Belinda reappeared on networks without a drop of makeup and worried her fans

Since her breakup with Christian Nodal, the singer has tried to stay away from her social networks, but recently took up Twitter where she shared details of her life and was criticized


It's been several weeks since Christian Nodal confirmed the end of his relationship with Belinda, since then both singers have tried to stay away from social networks to avoid criticism aimed at their breakup. However, only recently the Spanish actress reappeared on Twitter with a photograph where she posed without a drop of makeup and her appearance ended up alarming some of her fans.

During this weekend, who was considered a child star in Mexico for her participation in telenovelas such as Amigos par siempre, Aventuras en el tiempo and Accomplices to the rescue, shared with her more than 6 million followers on Twitter and 14 million on Instagram, a photograph she took from her bed.

In the image you can see the singer lying on a white pillow showing off her natural beauty with her disheveled hair, her eyes closed and without makeup, as well as wearing a yellow shirt. Belinda did not add any description in her post and what caught the attention of Twitter users the most was her appearance and pose.

(Screenshot: @belindapop /Twitter)
The singer keeps her post fixed and also replicated it in her Instagram stories. (Screenshot: @belindapop /Twitter)

Beli, you can see the canyon. You don't need to whine and give pity, that feels and you transmit it, but I tell you something, even the pinch* Nodal is not worth it, rather be grateful that God took that stone out of the way #fuerzaBeli”, “So beautiful, you can do it all! You look super sad, God with you! Forgive encouragement”, “So well? ”, were some reactions he received on Twitter.

However, many others jumped to the singer's defense by claiming that they were exaggerating, because her photograph only highlighted how good she looks without wearing makeup and left her some flattery.

And this is how the princess s sleep”, “Many would like to have that complexion and look like that without makeup! ”, “What nonsense is she asleep, I see her as calm as an angel”, “You are the prettiest. I wish you will find the love of your life and be very happy, you are a wonderful woman,” they tweeted.

(Screenshot: @OsvaldoAlvarezS /Twitter)
The meme says: “My boyfriend took a picture of me while I was sleeping looking like this!” (Screenshot: @OsvaldoAlvarezS /Twitter)

Other users of the platform also criticized that the interpreter of Luz sin gravidad was apparently the one who took the photograph with her eyes closed to the extent that she called it “false”. Some memes were even highlighted within the comments.

“Beli thinking how to remove Cristian Nodal's tattoo. I'm sorry Beli but you screwed up, right now you were enjoying life and not taking selfies so you were asleep! Your fake good, eh! ”, “Take a picture of me like that, casually, pretending that I sleep, so they think it's true and that I'm fine jetona. Oh! wait i touch up my makeup!” , they wrote.

belinda and nodal
The singer surprised with her statements (Photo: Instagram/ @belindapop)