Army seizes 173 kilos of cocaine from Gulf Clan in Magdalena

The drug would be valued at more than 1,057 million pesos

30-10-2021 Fardos de cocaína incautados
30-10-2021 Fardos de cocaína incautados por la Policía de Colombia. Las fuerzas de seguridad de Guatemala han incautado --durante el año 2021-- un 19,20 por ciento menos de cocaína que en el año 2020, según estadísticas difundidas este sábado por la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) de la nación centroamericana. POLITICA SUDAMÉRICA COLOMBIA POLICÍA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA

Uniformed members of the National Army managed to locate two coves where 173 kilos of cocaine were located in the municipality of Ciénaga Magdalena and which would belong to the Gulf Clan

The seizure of the narcotic drug was carried out by soldiers of the Gaula Militar Magdalena group, who, in support of the search and search efforts, located the alkaloid in two illegal warehouses that were in a vacant lot located near the municipality of Ciénaga,” the Army explained.

The drugs seized, according to information from the authorities, “would be valued at more than 1,057 million pesos and sought to be marketed under the modality of microtrafficking with the aim of strengthening the finances of this criminal organization.”

So far this year, the Magdalena Military Gaula has seized nearly a ton of cocaine hydrochloride, which has helped to counteract the factors of instability and criminality that contribute to the commission of transnational crimes in the region.

The National Army, at the head of the Second Brigade, warned that it will continue to carry out military operations to counter the drug trafficking chain and other factors of instability that converge in this sector of the country. Likewise, he will promote by deploying his men for the safety of Colombians.

For its part, the Navy, in another operation at Banco Magdalena, succeeded in the capture of four people for the crimes of aggravated homicide and drug trafficking.

Those arrested were placed at the disposal of Prosecutor's Office 23 section of El Banco, Magdalena and according to advanced investigations, they would be intimidating the civilian population, permanently affecting security over the Magdalena River in the vicinity of the municipality of El Banco.”

Men from the National Navy found two semi-submersibles that were ready to be loaded with eight tons of cocaine. The boats that were inside the thick rainforest of Nariño would go to Central America.

According to units of the Marine Infantry Brigade No. 4, the military operation of registration and control of territory was deployed in the San Jacinto village, located at the mouth of the Mira River, where they located the 380-square-meter illegal shipyard, used by the FARC dissident group 'Structure Iván Rios', under the command of alias' Uriel ', for the construction of semisubmersibles in the Colombian-Ecuadorian border area.

For his part, the commander of the Marine Infantry Brigade No. 4 in Tumaco, Colonel of Marine Infantry Jaime Orlando Zambrano Chavarro, said that “each semi-submersible seized has the capacity to carry four tons of alkaloid, affecting by more than two million dollars the group's finances outside the 'Ivan Rios' law.

The members of the Navy traveled deep into the jungle in Nariño to reach the place where the boats were located, it is an unpopulated area, where only illegal groups arrive.

“So far this year, nine semi-submersibles have been seized and we will continue to ratify our fight against drug trafficking,” Colonel Zambrano said.

In addition, he announced that, inside the infrastructure, two naval devices 25 meters long were found with the capacity to carry up to four tons of narcotics each. The first was 80% complete and the second was fully completed and ready to transport illicit drugs, which would be destined for drug trafficking cartels in Mexico.

A boat, communication equipment and various tools used for the manufacture of these illegal maritime means of transport were also seized. During the operation there were no catches, the material was destroyed according to established protocols.

