This was the execution of the State Police of Colima: in the middle of the street and on his day of study

Another municipal commander was shot dead in Villa de Álvarez before the rupture inside the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel in the state became noticeable


The violence that besieged Colima claimed the life of an agent of the State Police, who was intercepted in the middle of the capital's street on the same day he was destined to continue preparing.

According to sources consulted by Infobae Mexico, the element was identified as 32-year-old Cristian Otoniel Padilla Montes de Oca. He was walking through the Jardines Residencial neighborhood on the morning of March 19, when he was attacked with bullets.

On Saturdays, he devoted them to studying, according to preliminary reports. The assault against the policeman took place around 11:00 a.m. on Aquiles Serdán Street, near the Universidad Univer Colima, where he was allegedly taking classes.

Records from the organization Causa en Común indicate that the officer is the second security official killed in 2022. The first of these was José Luis Acevedo Nava, municipal commander in Villa de Álvarez, who was shot down on January 13.

Information in development...