The Peruvian recipe to make a delicious bread pudding with drunk raisins

Find in how to prepare the best pudding to surprise your family. Performance is for the whole family.


Recipe to prepare at home with the best. This time it is a delicious dessert that you have surely eaten at home or with relatives. Now it's your turn to surprise them with your cooking skills. This is the bread pudding with drunken raisins, simple for beginners.

In that sense, brings a preparation for 6 servings and a preparation time of 20 minutes with 1 hour and 30 minutes of cooking time. Performance for the family. Follow the step by step on the ingredients and their preparation.


- Pan - 10 (units)

- Milk - 1 (liter)

- Eggs - 4 (units)

- Raisins - 100 (grams)

- Vanilla Essence - 1 (teaspoon)

- Cinnamon Powder - 1/2 (teaspoon)

- Refined sugar - 1 1/2 (cups)

- Orange - 1 (unit)

- Lemon - 1 (unit)

- Butter - 2 (tablespoons)


- Add 100 grams of raisins in a cup and then until covered. Stir and let stand for at least 30 minutes.

- Crumble 10 loaves and place them on a large bowl. Grate half a lemon, only part green and then half an orange (only the peel).

- Then add 1 liter of warm whole milk and in a dish with the other ingredients you must stir and let stand for 15 minutes.

- Meanwhile, in a frying pan prepare the caramel for the pudding. Add refined sugar (1 cup). Cook it over low heat until the sugar melts.

- Don't take your eyes off the candy or it'll be ruined. Then you need to pour the caramel over the mold to spread it all over the base of the mold and reserve it.

- In another cup, add 4 units of eggs and beat lightly. Add half a cup of refined sugar and integrate with half a spoonful of cinnamon powder to do the previous step (integrate) again.

- Add a teaspoon of vanilla essence and integrate. 2 tablespoons of melted butter (2 tablespoons). Then let's mix it over the soaked breads.

- Add the drunk raisins to integrate it. The bread pudding is baked in a bain-marie to prevent the caramel from burning. Place the caramel mold on a larger tray with water. Finally, pour the mixture over the caramel and distribute it evenly.

- Then, bake it at 180° C for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Let cool and then unmold with the help of a knife.



Chocolate whisky puddingIngredients (for six servings): 75 g butter; 150 g chocolate; 2 tbsp whiskey; 2 large eggs; 1 cup sugar; ½ tsp almond extract; ¾ cup flour; ½ tsp baking powder; ¼ tsp salt; 150 g chopped bitter chocolate; 150 cm3 milk cream and 2 tbsp dulce de leche.

Preparation: melt the butter with the chocolate and whiskey in the microwave in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Reservation. Beat the eggs with the sugar with an electric mixer until they are very clear and frothy. Add the melted chocolate with the butter and whiskey and mix with enveloping movements. Add the sifted flour with the baking powder and salt; mix carefully.

Pour into 6 individual molds, buttered or with vegetable oil spray. Bake at 180ºC from 20 to 30′, until when punctured with a stick it comes out almost dry. Keep in mind that the preparation is somewhat damp. Let cool and unmold. Heat the milk cream with the dulce de leche. When it boils, add the chopped chocolate off the fire. Mix and serve warm with the puddings.

