The “litmus test” to know if you are with the right partner

“Love is only for the brave,” says a well-known phrase. If you want to know the truth of your relationship, ask your partner this question and ask them to answer you honestly.


The truth first and foremost. One of the phrases that we repeat, and we repeat, when we start a relationship is “you never finish meeting people”. This is true, because it could take years or decades for us to learn about aspects of others that are usually kept hidden and are imperceptible to many people. Love is so uncertain and we can't guess what might happen to us when we fall in love. Broken hearts, disappointments, deceptions or complete happiness can define our experiences that we gain over time.

Although we cannot read the mints of the people we love, we can know some aspects of them with certain key questions that are not direct and that when answering them give us those signals that we need to know if we are with the right person.

A Tiktok user shared on her official account a video in which she shares one of the speeches by psychologist and writer Walter Risso. In the recording, the content creator presents one of the questions you should ask your partner to know if it is the right one. At this point it is important to note that there are only two answers. If you're ready or ready to know the truth about your loved one, it's time to ask it. Are you ready?

This is the question: if you had a time machine, and you could travel back in time knowing what your relationship is like and what it has been like, would you repeat it again?

Don't put it like it's an interrogation. You can do it when you are talking in a neutral place, such as a café or restaurant, where neither of you are in your comfort zone so that you can live the present moment.

1. What if my partner answered YES to the question? It can be interpreted as a person who has learned from his past, from what he has lived and done in his previous relationship. He is aware that, although he is no longer with that person, he would like to change certain aspects and/or mistakes made so as not to harm others.

2. What if my partner answered NO to the question? The indicator details that if we could go back to the past, we would repeat the relationship we had again. It is possible that the answer was given to you by feeling exposed and being defensive. His answer can be interpreted as one who closes his past and does not rescue the positive he has experienced, as well as keeping the bad in mind with fear that it will happen again.

Either answer does not determine a definitive conclusion, it only marks the beginning of a different process so that you can get to know the person you have chosen to share a certain moment in your life.

Many flee from these kinds of conversations or do their utmost to avoid them because they don't want to know the truth, which can make them feel bad or doubt the emotion they are experiencing when they fall in love.

Although we never finish getting to know people, what we can do is find certain traits that allow us to define our partner.


According to anthropologist and biologist Helen Fisher, there are three phases to falling in love: the first stage, romantic love and attachment. It is important not to fall into emotional dependence, to have thoughts like “I can't live without you”. If you experience it, it is advisable that you go to a specialist so that he can guide you and provide all the support you need to understand your condition.

