The free course of the UNAM to improve spelling

It consists of topics such as the use of accents, punctuation marks, acronyms, diphthongs, correct use of letters, among others


The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) enabled a free course to improve spelling and identify the main rules in Spanish.

The course is called Spelling for Beginners. It is available through the Aprendo Más platform, it lasts approximately 20 hours, it is made up of four units designed with explanations to help understand how the rules of spelling are applied.

It was developed by the teacher Alma Rosa Díaz de la Vega in conjunction with the graduate Verónica del Carmen Quijada of the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Acatlan; to address all the topics they recommended studying from one to two hours a day, within the activities there are a variety of examples as a guide to understand the topics seen.

What are the topics addressed in the course?

(Photo: Aprendo más platform, UNAM)

* Within the first unit called Writing Letters Well covers topics about what is spelling, the use of uppercase, lowercase letters, the use of the letters B, V, C, S, Z, J, G, H, R, digraphs, the writing of both Roman ordinal numbers as well as abbreviations and acronyms.

* The second unit called Writing Words Well, is made up of themes of syllabic division, diphthongs, triphthongs, accent whether spelling, diacritic or emphatic, and an activity to write better as well as a self-assessment exercise on accents.

* Within unit three, which is the Spelling of the sentence, it consists of the topics of spelling signs, dots and dashes, the classification of punctuation marks either comma, period and apart, colons, brackets, quotation marks, apostrophe, exclamation and question marks, as well as activities and self-assessment

On the platform they recommended dedicating at least one hour per day to study it (Photo: UNAM)

* During unit four called Orthographies in social networks, topics such as Internet in the world, the most used language on the Internet, about the most used spelling on the Internet in Mexico, the one most used to communicate digitally, contains a section called trying to write in English, misuse or abuse of uppercase and lowercase letters, the substitution of letters by others due to the fashion of writing, they resume the use of question marks and admiration marks, acronyms and the epilogue, also, the activity called campaign to write better and a final questionnaire.

During the course there is a forum for students to communicate with other colleagues who are also studying spelling, in order to exchange opinions, share their activities, comment on them, express doubts.

Likewise, the platform emphasizes that doubts or technical problems are not addressed in the forums and if you have it you can write to

Steps to enroll in the spelling course

* You must enter the Aprendo Más platform at

* If this is your first time using the platform, you must register with the data requested by the system such as an email, the country where you live, generate a username and password.

* Then, log in, at the top there is a search option in which you must type Spelling for Beginners and click.

* There is a section where it says enter, once you have selected it you will be able to see the introduction of the course and start the lessons.

