Rimac: subject pretended to be destitute to rob passers-by at the whereabouts

The subject was identified as 28-year-old David Alexander Machado Echenique, alias “Eddie Murphy”. He was captured by the terna group.


He was posing as homeless to commit a crime. A subject was walking through the whereabouts of the Route of Avoidance, in the Rimac district. With the appearance of a homeless man to hide his objectives, he stole high-end wallets and cell phones from passers-by. On March 18, he was captured by officers of the National Police (PNP).

The subject was identified as 28-year-old David Alexander Machado Echenique, alias “Eddie Murphy”. The Venezuelan citizen who used to deceive his victims with his misaligned appearance. Faced with the distraction of his victims, he extracted them from their belongings without the slightest objection.

His last victim was a young woman waiting for a collective. The guy tried to snatch her purse, but she put up resistance and ended up dragging her. Finally, he took away his cell phone. But when he was about to escape, he was captured by the terna group.

“It's a person who snatched a lady's wallet, so when they see this illicit personnel of the terna group go to the aid and they try to escape; however, they are hit,” PNP Colonel Antonio La Madrid, head of the Green Squadron, informed Canal N.

The woman was able to recover her cell phone, and the offender was directed to the police station in Piedra Liza.

The officer reported that terna staff are always walking the streets in the lookout for any criminal waiting for the opportunity to commit a criminal act.


The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Chávarry, together with other authorities from Metropolitan Lima and Callao, declared to both regions of Peru in state of emergency.

Initially, the measure announced on February 3 was only going to be in effect for 45 days; however, the executive branch decided to extend the state of emergency in Lima Metropolitana and Callao for another 45 calendar days from 20 March, through Supreme Decree 025-2022-PCM.

This decree indicates that during the period indicated, some constitutional rights will be suspended, as stipulated in paragraphs 9, 11, 12 and 24 of article 2 of our Constitution, such as the right to liberty, inviolability of the home, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement in the national territory, among others.

About these, it is important to note the following information:

Right to liberty: subjects of rights may engage in any kind of activity, which involves the exercise of other fundamental rights other than freedom, as long as they do not violate with it the norms that make up public order, good customs and those that are imperative in nature.

Inviolability of domicile: Rights subjects may prevent any other person from entering their home to carry out investigations, searches or other grounds if they do not authorize it or when third parties do not have a court order. They may not prevent it, however, in the event of a flagrante delicto or very serious danger of its perpetration.

Freedom of assembly: Subjects of rights may group, congregate or assemble, without prior notice, both in private places and open to the public as long as they do so peacefully. On the contrary, meetings in public places or roads require advance notice to the authority, which may prohibit them only for proven reasons of safety or public health.

Freedom of transit within the national territory: The subjects of rights, in principle, can move freely, within the national territory in which they have their domicile and also outside it, which implies being able to choose where to live. Except for health reasons or by court order or by application of the Aliens Act.
