Fernández Noroña busted Ciro Murayama for criticism of Morena and Revocation of Mandate: “You betray the people”

The electoral advisor recalled the moments when the INE helped Morena in the past, as well as the measures that the cherry party will have to take to eliminate propaganda regarding this popular consultation


The federal deputy for the Labour Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, has become one of the strongest allies of the Movement for National Regeneration (Morena) in its quest to continue at all three levels of government, as well as when it comes to discussing and adopting any opinion that favors them.

Throughout March 18, the legislator displayed his best tweets to blow up Ciro Murayama, advisor of the National Electoral Institute (INE) who, on his Twitter account, shared various criticisms of the cherry party and the democratic process of Revocation of Mandate to be held on 10 April.

With his first message, the election official responded to Morena's national leader, Mario Delgado Carrillo, who called on the general population to “paint a fence, put up a tarp or stick a sticker to push forward the Mandate Revocation process.

Therefore, in his message, Murayama recalled the moments when the INE supported this political movement, such as with its registration, the organization of the federal elections in 2018, in which it gained control of the country.

“Who gave the record to Morena in 2014? The @INEMexico Who organized the 2018 elections? The INE Who installs each box where x Morena is voted? The INE Who did the survey to renew Morena's leadership? The INE Who are the government and Morena attacking? Yes, to the INE”, wrote the director of the INE.

Fernández Noroña shook Ciro Murayama for Mandate Revocation
(Photo: Twitter)

This was the message by which Fernández Noroña exploited, because from his social networks, the petista demanded him for positioning himself as the protagonist of these events, a fact for which he called the people a “traitor”, since the latter is the one who, with his taxes, was responsible for financing all the aspects he listed in his tweet.

“Who gave? You didn't give anything. You neither put, nor organized, it is the people who did everything, it is the people who pay your salary and it is the people you betray @CiroMurayamaINE”, wrote the deputy.

Mario Delgado himself also responded to Murayama. Through a certain wording, he affirmed that it was the people of Mexico who gave the party the registration, with their vote they were taken to the government and it was the citizens themselves who defined the leadership.

“Who do we report? To the enemies of the people and traitors to democracy. Democracy belongs to the people and to the people”, published the Morenista.

Mario Delgado also criticized the electoral director for his statements against him (Photo: EFE/Carlos Ramírez)

Subsequently, the electoral counsellor decided to share the newsletter with which the INE urged Morena and its members to withdraw all the promotions that promote and disseminate the Mandate Revocation.

“The @SCJN said that parties cannot disseminate the revocation of the mandate. That is why today the @INEMexico issued a precautionary measure to Morena to download videos that violate the Constitution by promoting the RM. Is it so difficult for them to respect the rules of the democratic game?” , shared Murayama.

With regard to the first precautionary measure, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) ruled that it is contrary to the Constitution for political parties to promote citizen participation in the process of Revocation of Mandate.

For this reason, he ordered the removal of promotions on radio, television and social networks, as well as avoiding the dissemination of political propaganda and the probable use of public resources to promote citizen participation for the exercise of Mandate Revocation.

The complaint submitted by the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) to the Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) refers to the alleged misuse of the dissemination of the promotions called MEXICO NOS NEED V1 and MEXICO NEED US V2 planned for radio and television , which, under the concept of the PRD, interferes in ordinary time with the democratic process.

