Easter: a homemade robot and technology projects to do alone or with the family

You can use the time to do something didactic and introductory to technology with boys and girls




Easter holidays are used by many to go out to the beach or to a magical town away from their usual environment, however, for many it is anything but ideal, since it means paying inflated prices, being surrounded by many people in the midst of the pandemic, among other things, so they prefer to stay at home. One way to make the most of your time is by doing technology projects.

With these activities not only will time pass, but devices and those around you will end up grateful.

First things first. One action that the computer will surely appreciate is to remove all the dust and lint; for this it will be necessary to open the computer with precision screwdrivers, carefully pour compressed air and finally a little thermal paste. Since it is open, it can be used to expand the RAM memory or change the hard disk, but it will depend on the budget and the condition of each user's computer.

computer do
(Photo: Pixabay)

For those who have children, this is a good option, since they can put the children to help them make the board game, and at the end they all play as a family to spend a pleasant afternoon.

For this it is necessary to have an Arduino UNO board, 6 LEDs (generic), 1 SparkFun button switch 12 mm, Jumper wires (generic), 1 resistance 1k ohm and 1 resistor 221 ohms. For its construction you can enter this link.

If the making of a board game is more complicated than it seems for children to do it, other crafts can be done, such as painting what their imagination dictates them and then decorating it with LED lights. You will only need the paint materials, some resistors, a battery and the generic LEDs that will be connected behind the craft and glued with tape.

computer do
(Photo: Pixabay)

This activity may be more solo, but it will undoubtedly be of great use. In the day-to-day, new files are added that take up space and it can be difficult to treat them properly on a normal day for all the activities of work or school.

To make the most of your vacation days, you can make backups of Windows, Mac, and mobile phone. For this it will be necessary to have an external drive prepared.

Some programs can also be used, among those rated as “good” are three free solutions for Windows that perform backups practically free of charge: “Paragon Backup & Recovery Community Edition”, “Aomei Backupper 6.0 Standard Edition” and “EaseUS Toto Backup Free 12.5″.

Returning to family activities, you can make a homemade robot, with which you can use recycled household materials and glue. This is a simple electronic project to make a robot with a propeller in which everyone can participate and the result will be fun.

You can make a car or plane, because in both cases you have to follow the same steps to make it move thanks to the integration of an engine that activates the propeller. It is a good way to learn and attract children to robotics. You must follow the steps in this link to do so.


