Controversy over junction project urgently promoted by the Duque Government

This initiative makes it possible to facilitate the delivery of information to the incoming leader, however, some sectors report that relevant data would be hidden


The government of Iván Duque has only a few months left in the Casa de Nariño, therefore, there is a hectic agenda that will have to conclude different processes around the development of its mandate. Hand in hand with the Ministry of the Interior, a joint project has been drawn up regarding the information that the incoming president will receive and even some candidates, corresponding to the situation in the country before his eventual election, raised their doubts because there are data that could be restricted until further notice.

Regarding this project, the National Government urged that the Congress of the Republic expedite the approval of the initiative by means of a message of urgency, bearing in mind that they want it to be implemented from August 7, the day of the possession of the new president.

The candidate for the presidency of the Centro Esperanza coalition, Sergio Fajardo, expressed his concern on social networks, noting that this process may be undemocratic and unconstitutional, since the president-elect would be deprived of important information prior to his arrival in the presidency, therefore, Fajardo requested that the president elect would be deprived of important information prior to his arrival in the presidency. project was withdrawn.

It should be noted that, despite the great achievements made in terms of security by the Duque government, there are also different statements against its ministers and the security component, these annoyances have been exposed from different political sectors, as well as Senator Roy Barreras, who questions the urgency with which want to approve this project, because he assumes that from Casa de Nariño they want to hide key information.

Interior Minister Daniel Palacios, apparently annoyed by candidate Sergio Fajardo's remarks, responded to him and explained the basis of the project, stating: “The first thing to say is that I invite candidate Sergio Fajardo to read before speaking, it is very important to be well informed and not misinform the public opinion. Here what the government has presented is a project that seeks to make the joints better, that the joints have more information, that the joints have an organized structure that ensures that whoever enters a position has the necessary information to be able to enter into office without any interruption, in turn, this allows may also have greater access to information.” .

Regarding issues of national security, Palacios explained: “We have established that, for issues of national security, the candidate can begin to receive information without even wanting to position themselves, understanding and going through some confidentiality requirements, but it is precisely that in the process of splicing they have greater information. For this, it is ideal for the candidate to have a defined splicing team and this is obviously what he seeks is to have a peaceful transition, more prepared with more information to be able to make decisions.”

Faced with the assertions corresponding to the concealment of information, the minister said that there will be full transparency, stating: “The emplice team will have access to transparent and timely information, about what the outgoing government delivers and that the incoming government receives in matters of security, this has a reservation because they are issues of national security, it is established that the candidate may receive information even before taking up his position as long as the confidentiality of the information is guaranteed before assuming the presidency of the Republic”.

In the context of security, Palacios pointed out that candidates will be able to access first-hand information pertaining to this issue, however, everything must be handled under a strict confidentiality agreement, however, the project itself, would allow the outgoing president to wait to hand over this information until such time as he sees relevant such operation or may even wait until the possession of the new representative.

