Alberto Fujimori: Keiko Fujimori assured that his father will stay in Peru after he is released from prison

The leader of Fuerza Popular said that she and her brothers are more concerned about the health of their father and that she will not answer those who have opposed the TC resolution.




Following the ruling of the Constitutional Court (TC) in favor of the release of former President Alberto Fujimori, who is being held in the Barbadillo prison, in the district of Ate , her daughter, the leader of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, came to the prison to talk to her father.

Upon her release from prison, the Fujimori major said that her father will stay in Peru when he is released - which would be from Monday, March 28 - and said that for the time being the most important thing is take care of their health.

“He is going to stay in Peru (...) The priority is your health. We are going to ask you not only to have a pending consultation today, but also corresponding medical examinations because these days can bring you emotions and destabilize your heart,” he told the press.

Keiko Fujimori referred to some positions where they will escalate this Constitutional Court ruling to international courts.

“They are within their rights. I know that my father and the surname generate controversy. I am not going to answer those voices because it is not the time to deepen differences,” he concluded.

When the news broke that Alberto Fujimori would be released, the former presidential candidate indicated that they were “pending” to find him a place to his father when he left Barbadillo prison.

“Now that he will be in our responsibility, we will make sure that his health is fairly controlled. (...) In these hours or days, we have to see the place or the place, the medical checkups, because we know that he had a medical check. We'll try to postpone it, but not for long. For us, the most important thing is my father's health,” he said on the outside of his house on Thursday.

Alberto Fujimori could be released from Barbadillo prison from Monday, March 28. Photo: Andina
Alberto Fujimori could be released from Barbadillo prison from Monday, March 28. Photo: Andina


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) advised Peru that it has a deadline to send its observations on the ruling of the TC in favor of the release of the former head of state.

The Peruvian Government has, at most, until March 25 to report on “the provisional measures and immediately inform the Constitutional Court”.

“This occurs in the context of the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta cases, after the victims' families and representatives presented provisional measures to the possible release of the former president in the coming days, who is convicted of serious human rights violations,” the message states.

If the IACHR accepts the request of the victims of victims of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta to be processed, and therefore requires the Peruvian State to comply with reporting on the TC ruling that has granted liberty to convicted Alberto Fujimori.


