Six City police officers arrested accused of killing a thief in Parque Chacabuco

Ivan Kresta Orellano assaulted and dragged a woman to take out her wallet. He was chased by Buenos Aires officials and was shot in the back. Investigate the Homicide Division of the Federal Police

The six City policemen who fired shots at the car of Iván Ezequiel Kresta Orellano, the alleged thief who assaulted a woman yesterday and who ended up being shot dead after an intense chase through the streets of the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Parque Chacabuco, they were detained on temporary charges of homicide. According to police sources to Infobae, more experts are expected to determine the mechanics of the event and the officers will be investigated tomorrow by the Justice, with a case investigated by the Homicide division of the Federal Police.

The measure was resolved by Criminal and Correctional Judge 20, Hugo Decaria, and Prosecutor No. 47 of the same jurisdiction, Marcelo Solimine, after leading on the scene a first reconstruction of the circumstances of the death of Ivan Ezequiel Kresta Orellano (27), the alleged criminal who ended up being shot dead. According to the sources consulted by this medium, there is one fact that would complicate the Buenos Aires policemen: the murdered young man was not armed. The autopsy confirmed that he had a single gunshot wound that caused his death by internal bleeding, forensics confirmed to the PFA. Now, it will have to be determined with ballistic expertise which gun fired it.

The detainees are three officers, two first officers and one senior officer of the Buenos Aires security force, most of them from the neighborhood police station 7B of the City Police. According to the Telam agency, they were all housed in the mayor's office of the Superintendence of Investigations of the Federal Police of Villa Lugano, the security force that carries out the proceedings.

Everything indicates that Kresta Orellano would come from committing a robbery in rapture mode. This media outlet was able to confirm that one of the women assaulted recognized him as the perpetrator of the robbery that gave rise to the persecution: investigators in the case ratify that the victim's belongings were inside his car. The patent was also in his name.

This is how the car of the thief from Parque Chacabuco ended

However, the Justice tries to determine if there was an excess or abuse by City police officers. As it transpired, weapons were also hijacked from a total of 16 Buenos Aires policemen who participated, in some way, in the pursuit or in the tasks that were carried out as soon as the young offender was killed.

The violent sequence began yesterday after Kresta Orellano targeted a 62-year-old woman from the area, who was walking through Cachimayo and Zelarrayan streets. There he threw her to the ground, dragged her and finally fled with her wallet, in which she carried her cell phone, wallet and all her documentation.

After the 911 alert, the assailant got on and off in a Ford Fiesta. Then, the police chase began, which extended to Riglos y República, a residential and passageway area, meters from the Abraham Zinny School, where the car with the alleged assailant hit several patrol cars. However, he managed to continue the escape. Afterwards, he returned to the same area where he had started the sequence and there he crashed into a parked Chevrolet Onix, after the police fired several shots at him, presumably into the tyres. There were seven pods served.

Before assaulting the 62-year-old woman, the offender approached two sex workers and invited them to climb into his tricked gray Ford Fiesta. Once inside the car, they were threatened with a knife, threatened and assaulted: he took all the money they had and their cell phones. Then he escaped. The victims immediately gave 911 notice: they described the car and the patent. It was key to being detected.

The young man died from a shot in the back

According to a first account made by the police officers, during that chase there was a shooting in which the agents of Buenos Aires fired at the tires of the suspect's car. Then, it was that the clash of the Ford Fiesta with the Onix occurred: when the officers approached they noticed that the driver of the vehicle was already deceased. The investigations would later determine that the suspect died of a gunshot that entered him in the back. In addition, in the car were the belongings of the victim of the robbery and one more wallet.

The truth is that the deceased thief had a record for robberies. On September 17, 2018, he was denounced for an assault on a property and on March 11, he had been charged with an attempted robbery in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Constitución. Six days after that last act, he was still committing crimes: he lost his life escaping from the police. However, Kresta Orellano showed himself with his family in their networks. He was employed at least four years ago in an electronics company and had several blank jobs in the last decade.