Luna de Gusano: when and where to see from Mexico to see the natural phenomenon

It will be the last full moon of the northern winter and will have a greater perception of other phases of the Earth's natural satellite

YAUTEPEC, MORELOS, 28MARZO2021.- Según algunas fuentes como las nativas americanas y europeas, la luna de marzo es la luna de los gusanos, pues con la llegada de la primavera el sol calienta mucho el suelo y aparecen las lombrices, lo que atrae a las aves.  FOTO: MARGARITO PÉREZ RETANA /CUARTOSCURO.COM
YAUTEPEC, MORELOS, 28MARZO2021.- Según algunas fuentes como las nativas americanas y europeas, la luna de marzo es la luna de los gusanos, pues con la llegada de la primavera el sol calienta mucho el suelo y aparecen las lombrices, lo que atrae a las aves. FOTO: MARGARITO PÉREZ RETANA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

During the early hours of this Friday, March 18, the sky will be illuminated by the last full moon of the boreal winter, which is also known as the Worm Moon and which is of particular interest to astrology lovers because of its significance.

Also named as the March Full Moon, it will be the third to have in 2022 so far this year and will have a particular viewing, as spectators will suffer a “lunar illusion” regarding its proximity.

According to Almanac reports, the Worm Moon will look larger than some Supermoons because it will be located at the Earth's horizon, so the comparison points will distort its real size.

What time will the Moon of Worm be?

According to Science Focus, this natural phenomenon will occur in the early morning of March 18 for Mexico. Its maximum splendor is calculated from 1:17am and will be visible until 7:00 in the morning. Will be

Full worm moon 2022.
Full worm moon 2022: how it will influence each zodiac sign. (Photo: Capture)

Why do they call it Worm Moon?

According to NASA, some tribes in the United States began to name it this way because at this time remains of worms came out of the earth, because the soil thaws at the end of the boreal winter.

The Worm Moon is also mistakenly named Supermoon; however, this statement is incorrect.

According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a supermoon is a “full moon near the perigee, the closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.” That is, when our planet and its satellite are closest and, moreover, it coincides with the moon in full phase.

However, in 2021, the “Worm Moon” cannot be considered a “supermoon”, since it is not close enough despite ranking as the fourth brightest of the year.

MOON WORM - FULL - MEXICO - 29032021
The Moon of Worm will be the third full moon of 2022 (PHOTO: OMAR MARTÍNEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

*Information in development
