Julio César Uribe broke when he remembered the oath he took to his mother

Julio César Uribe had emotional words for his mother Esperanza Flores in the program 'La fe de Cuto'


Julio César Uribe, former player of the Peruvian national team and Sporting Cristal, recalled passages from his childhood, the experience with his mother Esperanza Flores and was thrilled to remember the oath that he took did in life.

Julio César Uribe participated in an interview in the program 'La fe de 'Cuto' of the newspaper Trome with Luis Guadalupe in conducting he gave details of his beginnings in football, the economic deficiencies, how he went ahead and pondered the education that his mother Esperanza Flores gave him. ”

“Today, learning is widely used. Learning is repeated all the time and one seems to learn nothing. With so much information it should evolve, but instead we involute. There is a terrible, historical contradiction in everything that the country means. When I was doing 'palomiladas' I would get under the bed and my mom said 'you're not going to get in here'. I would raise the bed with one arm and with the other the chicote (whip) the 'San Martín', which was in its time and in its form the way to correct one so that one is correct and my mother was not mistaken”, Julio César Uribe began the story.

“The mother is the Goddess, one does not conceive, but there is everything, children, good, bad and regular, and children who do not deserve to be children either. My mother was my goddess and she will always be. My mother was dad and mom. If you keep yourself acceptably well and strong. It's because he always has in mind what your mother has always wanted for you. To always see you happy and strong. It was an oath to my mother. I told him that as long as I live, I will be as you want to see me, as you would have always wanted to see me and mothers always want to see you strong and happy. I honor (oath) and I will always be strong until I am alive to honor my mother, and obviously also my family. I am emotional with what I love and very hard when I try to help. That's Julio Cesar Uribe that many people don't know. My mother is my goddess. She will always be my goddess,” Uribe recalled with emotion, as her voice cracked at the mention of her mother. He paused briefly, caught his breath and continued.


Julio César Uribe also referred to his father Maximo Uribe and how his mother's teachings allowed him to assess his condition as a son, despite his absence from home. The 'Diamond' revealed that he had a generous gesture with his father when he was at his best as a footballer at Cagliari in Italy (1982-1985).

“My father separated from my mother when I was 12 years old. But notice, I invited my father to Italy in 1982 and in a conversation from father to son, I was 24 years old, I told him I think you haven't been a good father, but I always want to be a good son, and since I always want to be a good son, I have invited you to enjoy this stage of my life. He got excited, and he told me that he didn't think I could get that high because of the limitations in which I had to grow up. I have never stopped having in my mind, being a good son and not qualifying my parents. My father didn't know how to be a good father, but I still rewarded him. I always wanted to be a good son,” Julio César Uribe reflected.

