Get to know the program prepared for this weekend at the Cinematheque Distrital in Bogotá

Diary yourself with the national and international film series and the transfeminist film series, which is part of the commemoration of women's month

Bogotá. 30 de Octubre de
Bogotá. 30 de Octubre de 2020. La Comisión de la verdad y el Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes se unen para lanzar la franja de cine ‘Que haiga paz: campo visual, conflicto y memoria’, un proyecto que busca generar una conversación alrededor del cine que permite ver y reflexionar sobre su lugar en el conflicto armado colombiano, su valor narrativo y la importancia para la sociedad colombiana de encarar la verdad para poder reflexionar sobre lo que nos pasó y así transitar hacia la reconciliación. La Cinemateca Distrital de Bogotá fue el escenario para el Estreno Nacional de la película colombiana La Paz de Tomás Pinzón Lucena, historia que narra las negociaciones de paz en Colombia. (Colprensa - Camila Díaz)

March is, at the Bogotá District Cinematheque, the month of feminism and human rights; that is why from day eight (in commemoration of Women's Day) the 'Yulene Olaizola Retrospective' was held, which was focused on the Mexican filmmaker and considered one of the most prolific of the seventh art in the country North American.

His five feature films were presented until March 13, but that did not end the entire cultural agenda of the Cinematheque: quite the contrary. The international premieres, the memory slot and the Transfeminist Billboard will be available to the public starting this Friday, 18.

In fact, the film season has not been paused, as national and foreign documentaries have taken over the billboard, and this weekend will not be the exception. Therefore, see below the schedule for this weekend, including Friday, March 18.

- Friday 18

2:00 p.m.: Parallel Mothers (International Premieres): This 123-minute Spanish film focuses on the story of two single mothers who become friends after giving birth on the same day in the same hospital. This fact will generate an ineffable connection between the two. From the director: Pedro Almodóvar, this film will be screened in Room 3.

3:00 p.m.: Little Red Riding Hood: A story that brings together two different generations around a cape with a red hood. The Spanish War, Argentina's current affairs and the feminist outbreak taking to Latin American streets are the main elements of this story directed by Tatiana Mazú and which will be screened in the Capital Hall.

4:00 p.m. My Brother's Wife: The Canadian film, released in 2021, tells the story of Sofia, who is forced to live with her brother, Karim, after losing her job in the Philosophy department at the university where she worked. The two have a close relationship, until Karim starts to fall in love with another woman, so Sophia will have to make important decisions because she feels abandoned. The film will be presented in Room 2.

5:00pm: Clara (Colombia-2021): “Clara is a woman capable of everything, she can carry the world behind her back and create a universe tailored to her loved ones so as not to hurt them. Clara is a lot of women and because of that, she is willing to reveal her fears, to face the gaps left by forgotten loves”, reads the official synopsis of the film directed by Colombian director Aseneth Suárez Ruiz

7:00pm: Malamadre (2019-Argentina): Belonging to the transfeminist billboard, the feature film shows various problems of various women, and one of them, is that motherhood is not a fairy tale and is far from the romanticization generated and imposed by many sectors. There, the director, Amparo Aguilar, enters this universe from her role as mother. It will be presented in the Capital Room.

7:00 p.m.: Scars on Earth: by director Gustavo Fernández, this film is a stark account of the internal armed conflict led by four former FARC combatants. The struggle, not armed, but to carry out an optimal process of reintegration in the midst of prejudice and stigmatization, is only one key element of each experience. Room 2 will be the setting for this format.

- Saturday, March 19

11:00am: Checkered Ninja: “Alex is a seventh grade student. He's in love with Jessica, even though he's eighth grade. He has a stepbrother Sean and a stepfather John, with whom he has a not very close relationship. He and his best friend Odysseus, are victims of bullying by the bully of the special class”, details the official synopsis of the film that will be screened in the Capital Hall.

2:00 p.m.: The Bride of the Desert (Transfeminist Film Series)

3:00 p.m.: Groming: Argentine short film that shows one of the most common and worrying problems of the current era: cyberbullying of minors. Through a non-stigmatizing message, this topic is shown, which increasingly prevents children from enjoying the internet.

4:00pm: Alptraum (Transfeminist Film Series) - Room 2

5:00pm: Parallel Mothers - Room 3

6:00 p.m.: Canela (Transfeminist Film Series): According to the main synopsis, “At the age of 48, Ayax Grandi, an architect from the city of Rosario, decided to be Canela. This film tells the parenthesis in the life of the protagonist, where she debates whether to surgically intervene her body or not. With that concern, a grueling search begins.” The Argentine film will be presented at the Sala Capital.

7:00 p.m.: Scars on Earth - Room 2

8:00 p.m.: La casa de Argüello (Transfeminist film series): is a story that revolves around four generations of women who, have in common, are victims of the Argentine military dictatorship, where political prisoners and Madres de Mayo are the protagonists. The documentary will be screened in the Capital Room.

- Sunday, March 20

11:00 a.m: Ninja a cuadros - Sala Capital.

2:00 p.m: Caperucita roja - Sala 3

3:00 p.m: Grooming - Sala Capital

4:00 p.m: Malamadre - Sala 2

5:00 p.m.: Scars on Earth - Room 3

5:30 p.m.: The Bride of the Desert - Sala Capital.

7:00 p.m.: Rock, paper and scissors: according to the synopsis collected by the Cinematheque, “Jesus and María José are brothers. Both live together in the house that belonged to their recently deceased father. Her routine is interrupted by the father's arrival from Spain of Magdalena, her half-sister. After several years of not seeing each other, she comes looking for her legal share of the property of the recent deceased. But they do not want to sell the house and to achieve their goal they will use a number of perverse games where it will be difficult to distinguish who has the stone, who has the role and who scissors it”. It will be screened in Conference Room 2.

7:30 p.m: Madres paralelas - Sala Capital

On Monday, March 21, the main attraction will be Andrés Caicedo: a few good friends, a documentary based on the 1971 film, Angelita and Miguel Ángel, the closest friends of the Cali writer and cinephile reflect on his life, the great contributions of his work and suicide. It will be presented at 5:00 p.m. in Room 3.

Finally, tickets can be obtained in two ways: through the TuBoleta website or directly at the Cinematheque Distrital, and their value is 6,000 pesos.

