Daniel Quintero lashes out at El Colombiano, 'Fico' Gutiérrez and Sergio Fajardo

The mayor of Medellín, who had been asked not to attack the local media by the Foundation for Press Freedom (Flip), again attacked the newspaper and, incidentally, the candidates of the Centro Esperanza Coalition and the Team for Colombia


This Friday, March 18, the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, once again attacked the Antioquian media El Colombiano, which has carried out a permanent control of its management, which he said he had a “strategy” based on not allowing “the truth to be known and those responsible for Hidroituango to pay”.

Through a video, which he shared through social networks, the president of the capital of Antioquia again attacked the regional media, this time, pointing him to invent “gossip” against his administration and of having been bought by the “businessmen condemned by Hidroituango” in order to hide the truth of the delays in the project and the contingency that led to the evacuation of thousands of inhabitants.

“Every day El Colombiano gets a new headline, it's silly to open it because it doesn't matter. They only publish the investigations that open to us, that they themselves are the ones who report us, but they do not count the ones that close us. All the processes have been closed to us, because they are gossips that have a strategy and that is that the truth is not known and that those responsible for Hidroituango do not pay. That's why El Colombiano was bought by the businessmen condemned by the project,” said Mayor Quintero.

He also referred to the presidential debate organized by the Antioquian media together with Red+ Noticias, in which he said that three of the candidates for the Casa de Nariño had been asked “if elected they would persecute the mayor who denounced what politicians and businessmen did in Hidroituango”.

The media bought by the convicted businessmen convicted by Hidroituango asks the candidates responsible and convicted by this project if they are going to persecute me if they are elected. Shameless trustees. They who were amangualized and who withheld information,” said the local president.

At the same time, he asked that the Medellín government be respected, pointing to the candidates of the Centro Esperanza Coalition, Sergio Fajardo, of the Team for Colombia, Federico 'Fico' Gutiérrez, to “amangualize” and to supposedly hide information around the Ituango Hydroelectric Plant, assuring that in the past administration it was hidden a document allegedly showing that contractors and builders had suffered serious failures in the construction of the project.

However, these statements contrast with the real question asked by the regional media in which it questioned “What does it say to the citizens of Medellín that they have lost faith in the possibility of justice being applied to the corruption cases of the Quintero administration?”

Question to which the candidates criticized the management of the president of Medellín, “the misrule of Daniel Quintero. In two years and three months it is impossible to take it in a single truth,” said Fico Gutiérrez, and Sergio Fajardo said he was “a good actor but he is a fake”, and even Green Oxygen candidate Ingrid Betancourt indicated that the current administration “has taken away hope from the people of Antioquia”.

