Congressman of Fuerza Popular: “Alberto Fujimori has nothing to do with the pain of the bereaved in La Cantuta and Barrios Altos”

Ernesto Bustamante defended the release of the former president, and minimized the protests of the victims' families in the Fujimorist regime.

Fotografía de archivo del expresidente peruano Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000). EFE/Ernesto Arias
Fotografía de archivo del expresidente peruano Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000). EFE/Ernesto Arias

The congressman of Fuerza Popular, Ernesto Bustamante, said he was very happy with the ruling of the Constitutional Court that orders the restitution of former President Alberto Fujimori's pardon and his prompt release. “I am very pleased with this decision to recognize the use of habeas corpus in favor of President Fujimori,” he said.

He pointed out that those who speak out against the ruling do so as a result of the hatred of those who lost the war on terror. He said that there is hatred against what Alberto Fujimori meant, because he defeated them militarily. “Fujimori showed that it was possible to have a different country,” he said.

Regarding the claim of the relatives of those killed in La Cantuta and Barrios Altos, who spoke out against Fujimori's release, Bustamante said they have every right to be bereaved and to suffer for the loss of their loved ones. “I too lost a younger brother killed by Shining Path, doesn't my regret count? Of course it is,” he said on channel N.

He said that there is confusion because in the sentence that was given more than 20 years ago regarding mediated authorship, “it was never demonstrated, it was only in the imagination of the judges of that time.” He added that those who committed the crimes were tried and convicted at the time. “The pain of the bereavers of La Cantuta and Barrios Altos has nothing to do with the subject of Alberto Fujimori, because he did not order [those crimes].”

For Bustamante, the Constitutional Court has taken a decision that must be respected, because in its opinion there has been no harm to humanity.

For her part, former congressman Fujimorist Martha Chávez indicated that justice had been served with the ruling of the Constitutional Court. And he said he was not afraid that the case would be elevated to international bodies. “When the Inter-American Court of Human Rights received the complaint from NGOs that defend the bereaved of the victims of Barrios Altos, the Court said that this issue must be resolved domestically in constitutional justice,” he said.

He added that Alberto Fujimori's sentence of more than 20 years ago was opprobial and null and void and affirmed that in any civilized country it would be null and void. “The judge did not seek justice, but how to condemn in the absence of evidence. What the TC has done is restore a tremendous injustice. That these injustices are straightened out is to everyone's satisfaction,” he said.


Former Fujimorist congressman Cecilia Chacón also spoke on channel N about the TC ruling. “In this specific case it was for a humanitarian pardon, there are terrorists who have been sentenced for killing police, military and innocent people with their own hands, and who are still alive. Here we show sympathy to those who oppose this humanitarian pardon,” he said.

