Alberto Fujimori was compared to Tupac Amaru and Bolognesi in habeas corpus to restore his pardon

The document submitted to the Constitutional Court stated that keeping the former president in detention “is like having Tupac Amaru or Francisco Bolognesi imprisoned”.


This Thursday, the Constitutional Court (TC) declared that habeas corpus was founded, which restored the effects of the humanitarian pardon granted to Alberto Fujimori by former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in December 2017. The appeal was filed by Ica's lawyer Gregorio Parco Alarcón, who, among other arguments, compared the one sentenced for the crimes of qualified homicide, forced disappearance, aggravated kidnapping, corruption, among others, with heroes such as Francisco Bolognesi and Tupac Amaru.

The document presented to the TC considers that “having an 82-year-old person in prison, who is ill in health, is no longer a danger to society, it is like having the DEAD HEROES TUPAC AMARU II, an enemy of SPAIN, FRANCISCO BOLOGNESI, an enemy of Chile, imprisoned in spirit”. This was revealed by journalist Carlos Villarreal on his Twitter account.

In addition, Parco Alarcón's request argues that Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori Fujimori's “personal integrity, and the right not to be subjected to torture or inhuman or humiliating treatment, environmental pollution and coronavirus” is being violated.

Alberto Fujimori Indulto
Image: Carlos Villarreal's Twitter


In interviews with local media, lawyer Parco Alarcón commented that the lawsuit he filed with the TC was dated April 16, 2020 and that he had even “already forgotten” that he had filed it.

Parco Alarcón commented that he only knows Fujimori because he went to visit him in his cell in 2011.

This issue is purely technical and legal,” said the fellow soldier in retirement in an interview with journalist Fernando Risco broadcast on Facebook.

He also pointed out that he is not a Fujimorist, although in the Register of Political Organizations (ROP) of the National Elections Jury (JNE) he has been a member of the Popular Force since 2010

Parco Alarcón is a lawyer from the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica.


For his part, TC member Espinosa Saldaña stated that the arguments for declaring habeas corpus founded were “rather weak”, and that there were no they had the files of the pardon and the necessary information.

Therefore, the magistrate commented that he and Marianella Ledesma proposed a previous question to combine Fujimori's case with other similar “better argued” ones; however, this was not admitted

He pointed out that the request for habeas corpus is the case of a lawyer (Gregorio Parco) who tells you the whole story of Fujimori in five pages, (he says) because of the sacrifices he has made for the country, (...) you have to return to the pardon he was given in 2017,” he told Canal N.

In addition, he considered that it was a hasty decision by the TC becausein an environment as troubled as the one we live in, this case should have been handled with caution and the time needed to ensure that all positions, including the family of the victims of fujimorato, have their chance to say what they have to say ”.

It should be noted that among the 6 members of the TC, the vote was 3 to 3. Ernesto Blume, José Luis Sardón and Augusto Ferrero voted in favor; Marianella Ledesma, Manuel Miranda and Eloy Espinosa Saldaña opposed it. However, Judge Augusto Ferrero used his final vote in favor of the convicted man for the crimes of qualified homicide, enforced disappearance, aggravated kidnapping, corruption, among others.

