Women politicians talk about the adoption of a law about the unborn child.

The agreement was approved with 77 votes in favor, 7 against, and 20 abstentions, and several legislators and politicians voted on the bill.


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On the other hand, the person who proposed this movement was Alejandro Mwanante, a member of the General Renewal, whose procedure was approved through social networks.

#PlenoDelCongreso 77 1992 1992” “” ““”..#SíALaVida”【.

The Day of the Unborn Child is celebrated internationally on March 25 every year to celebrate, promote and defend human life, from the time of conception in the womb of the mother to its normal history.

In the face of this bill, many Peruvian policies have been uttered, some in favor of him and others against it.

Mirta Vázquez - Former Prime Minister

In opposition to the bill, the former prime minister stated that he “turned it back to the decision of women and girls.”

In 2020, 1179 girls between the ages of 10 and 14 gave birth as a result of rape. According to the Ombudsman's Office, this figure has increased due to the pandemic. Congress today turned its back on the right to decide women and girls by passing a proposal to declare “the day of the unborn child,” he added.

Rossio Silva Santi Stefan - Former Ampoule Front Party Member

The former House of Representatives described this new measure as a “delay”.

Today was a day of frustration for a female father in Peru. After the Minister of Health handed the rude vanilla to Aguinaga, a law was passed to declare an unborn child. Instead of fighting for girls who were raped and forced to become pregnant!” He said.

Ruth Look - National Assembly Member of Gontos, Peru

#DíaDelNiñoPorNacer “는.”.

Rozangela Barbaran - Popular Power Conference Member

“He won the defense of life! The Congress of the Republic approved the 1992 movement to celebrate the “Unborn Children's Day” with 77 votes. It was added.

Diana Miloslavich - Women's Minister

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“I am convinced that abortion in Peru will be free, free and safe, as is the case with Argentina,” the minister added.

Abortion was approved in many Latin American countries, and last year in Mexico it was approved in Cuba in 1961, Guatemala in 1973, Costa Rica in 1970, Venezuela and Colombia in 2000, Puerto Rico in 1980, Colombia in 2000, and Ecuador in 2014. Only for women with mental disabilities: Individual treatment of abortion in Peru in 1924 in case of rape, Chile in 2017 for girls under 14 years of age in week 14, Argentina only until the 14th week of 2020, Uruguay in 2012, Paraguay in 2008 Bolivia 2017, Brazil 1940, 1975 Guyana, France, Guyana in 1995, up to 81995, a few weeks in Guyana

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