Why Ciro Gómez Leyva compared the Bronco arrest to that of Elba Esther Gordillo

Several politicians have reproved the leak of Jaime Rodríguez's photographs from the Apodaca prison




After the arrest of Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, alias El Bronco, several photographs of the former governor of Nuevo León were disseminated in the Apodaca prison, when he was placed in pre-trial detention.

In this regard, dozens of personalities have positioned themselves, highlighting the sayings of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who disapproved all the images that circulated on social networks.

Without pointing to any specific image, he stated that they violated the dignity of the former independent politician, who is in preventive detention in the Apodaca prison for the alleged crime of diversion of resources; he assured that the use of graphics moved away from the legal utility.

“What I didn't like and I say that because I think it affects people's dignity, were the photos they took of him. Not that. (...) It is not a legal matter, it is a matter that has to do with honor and dignity (...) I didn't like the photos and I hope it won't happen again,” she said in front of reporters and reporters at the National Palace of Mexico City.

For his part, Ciro Gómez Leyva, the journalist of Imagen Televisión, did the same through his most recent nightly broadcast, in which he condemned “the humiliation of a detainee, whatever his name is”, and even compared this with other famous cases of arrest.

“The picture yesterday of the Bronco in prison reminded us of the photo in which they humiliated many years ago, for example Mario Villanueva, former governor of Quintana Roo, in 2001, or teacher Elba Esther Gordillo in 2013,” said Gómez Leyva.

Elba Esther Gordillo was arrested in 2013 on charges of alleged diversion of public resources, according to the then Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karam.

They allegedly diverted those resources, freed up for teachers of the National Union of Education Workers to accounts and banks outside the country.

Elba Esther was detained at Toluca Airport, when she was landing from San Diego. Federal police and agents of the Public Prosecutor's Office were waiting for her there, according to the most recent revelation of La Silla Rota.

The next day photos of Elba Esther Gordillo appeared in Court 6 of the Oriente Prison, from where they transmitted their first, the same one in which they pronounced the charges for the crimes mentioned.

On the other hand, Mario Villanueva, the governor of Quintana Roo from 1993 to 1999, was arrested in 2001, after fleeing the last year of the last century from his home at Rancho “El Mostrenco” on the old Chetumal-Calderitas highway.

The politician was singled out by US authorities to provide support to the Juarez Cartel to transport drugs from Mexico's southern border to the northern border.

His photographs, in a plaid shirt, bulletproof vest, big beard and long hair, went around the country. In the images he appeared surrounded by agents; and when he was transferred to Mexico in 2017, his photograph was also published, this time by the same authorities.

For his part, Ciro Gómez Leyva assured that the person in charge of filming and photographing the former governor of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez, will have to be exemplarily sanctioned along with all his superiors.

“They should be punished in an exemplary way if there is really any intention to end such behaviors that violate dignity,” he said.


