“Unofficially I can assure that we have recovered two seats”: Gustavo Bolivar

Although the ballots will have a final result until next Monday, March 21, Senator of Colombia Humana said that the recount of votes has been a success for the Historical Pact


After the end of the election day last Sunday, March 13, the winner of the Historical Pact consultation, Gustavo Petro, denounced that approximately 29,000 polling stations did not register any votes for that coalition, a fact that he says is impossible.

In his statements to the media, the presidential candidate stated that, “with an early detection system that we are launching, we have detected 29 thousand tables out of 112 thousand that exist throughout the country where there is not a single vote for the Historical Pact, that is not possible given the magnitude of the vote already demonstrated, there are already making appropriate procedures to open those tables and counting vote by vote”, he said.

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Apparently, this recount has already started to have results. On the afternoon of this Wednesday, March 16, Senator Gustavo Bolívar, the head of the Senate list for that group, announced on his Twitter account: “The scrutiny is progressing successfully for the Historical Pact. Monday next week results will be made official and unofficially I can assure you that we have recovered 2 seats and there could be 3. I call for calm and to defuse protests until we know results.”

It should be noted that since the vote count was closed and the verification began, there have been thousands of complaints related to sums of votes in favor of other parties and alteration of forms E14 in order to omit voting in favor of the Historical Pact.


Continuing his statement, Petro had asked the National Registrar's Office and the National Electoral Council to support and facilitate the recount to verify the complaints filed. “There are 23,000 tables where the juries, perhaps by mistake, by putting the vote for each candidate on open lists, they also add the logo to each party and then double, triple, quadruple the vote, that inflates the data erroneously or falsely of open lists,” said the presidential candidate.

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The seat of that collective that is at stake at the moment, is that of César Pachón, who until Sunday night thought he had won seat 17 for the Covenant, but on Monday morning he had lost it.” We found that there were some tables where he found double counting of votes, they doubled the votes and they do this. usually parties with which we are fighting these seats, party of the U, Democratic Center, Conservative and even the Liberal Party. If they doubled the vote, then they would have fewer seats than they are reporting to them,” Pachón said in a video.

In addition to this, as revealed by Contagio Radio, the Citizen Force movement could also recover votes that would result in exceeding the threshold and at least four seats for senators, including Gilberto Tobón, who won more than 170,000 votes. “There is an urgent need for the unity of all progressive forces around the rescue of votes, the possibility of the legal personality of Fuerza Ciudadana. A summit of progressive leaders is urgent in view of the seriousness of the attack on democracy in the last hour,” said Hollman Morris, the leader of that collective.

At the moment, progressive sectors speak of a fraud operation unprecedented in the history of Colombia, since it is being proven that patterns of alteration of results have been repeated at the national level.