Tremor in Mexico: The Earthquake of Tepelmim

According to information from the National Seismology, an average of 40 earthquakes are recorded throughout the country every day.




Today, at 0:25 (UTC 6:25) local time, an earthquake occurred in Tepelmim, with a magnitude of 4.1 and a depth of 64 km.

According to preliminary information, the epicenter of the Tellurian movement was located in the state of Oaxaca, 11 km northwest of the city.

Given the recent events, the impact on human victims and material damage in the state of Oaxaca as a result of this Tellurium movement has not yet been established. In

the face of significant seismic activity, the National Disaster Prevention Center (Cenapred) recommends not falling into rumors or false news, but only to official sources such as the federal government, as well as local and state civil protection authorities.

After an earthquake, check for possible damage to your home, use your phone only in case of emergency, do not light matches or candles until you make sure there is no gas leak, and remember that aftershocks of earthquakes may occur.

In addition, you can take the following actions before an earthquake occurs: Prepare civil protection plans, organize evacuation drills, identify safety zones at home, school or work, and prepare emergency backpacks. Stay in a

calm and safe place during an earthquake and stay away from objects that may fall. If you are in a vehicle, park it, stay away from buildings, trees and poles, and if you are on the shore, stay away from the beach and evacuate from high areas

(Illustration: Jovani Perez/Infobae)

Tellurium kinetic geological activity in Mexico

, Mexico The evidence is that the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017 caused great damage, but despite being one of the most present earthquakes in the memory of both citizens and foreigners, it is not the largest in the history of the country.

At the moment, the most powerful earthquake in Mexican history occurred on March 28, 1787, at the time of the Spanish colonization. The epicenter was in Oaxaca, and its magnitude was 8.6. This caused not only the Earth to vibrate tremendously, but also caused a tsunami of 6 kilometers inland.

According to data from the Instrumentation and Seismic Recording Center (Cires) carried out in 2009 on the earthquakes cited, there is a possibility that events of this magnitude or greater will be repeated.It is estimated that they will occur in the coming years.Since the epicenter is located in the so-called Guerrero violation, it is calculated on the coasts of Mexico and Central America. This region is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of geological energy.

However, the small scale of earthquake events does not necessarily have a minor impact on buildings and infrastructure.Therefore, in 1985 and 2017, residents of the capital Mexico City had to face devastation caused by two earthquakes that became part of their lives.

1985 occurred on September 19 of that year at 7:19 local time (UTC 13:19), and the state of Guerrero has an epicenter and has a scale of 8.2. Since then it was believed that it would never happen again, but coincidentally it happened again exactly 32 years later.

The year 2017 was recorded at 13.14 hours local time (18:30 UTC), with an epicenter on the border of the states of Puebla and Morelos, with a total of 369 deaths in the center.

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