They called for the international capture of Hector Yrimia, a former judge and “legal director” of the Joe generation.

The prosecutor of the Juliana Company (Juliana Company) has requested the arrest of a former judge who participated in a collective broadcast and appeared on social networks. In addition, he raided the company building in Buenos Aires, and the leader Leonardo Cocitorto is still huge.


The leader of Leonardo Cositurto is still calling for resistance to new scams in Big Beach and Beach videos, but the case of investigation by the Ministry of Justice of Cordoba against the illegal association of Villa Maria and fraud guardians adds an increasingly terrible element.

This morning, Juliana's Attorney General demanded the leader's arrest and escaped “Max” Batista twice. She also called for the arrest of former judge Hector Jeremiah (Hector Jeremiah), who was very involved with the group and was recently exposed to a video on a networking site. networks. Who served as the Federal Attorney General and later served as an investigating judge. Jeremiah introduced himself today as the “legal director” of a corporate conglomerate suspected of exploiting a large-scale Ponzi scheme. According to sources from the Cordoba Attorney General's Office in Infobay, the federal police raided Batista's daughter and the law firm, as well as Norman Prospero's accounting firm.

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