The Universidad del Rosario opened free English courses, so you can access

The course is scheduled to last 4 weeks and the hourly intensity is 4 to 6 hours per week.


Faced with the challenges faced by the world of work, it has become essential that workers have both written, speaking and reading skills in the English language, which is why the vast majority of schools in Colombia have programs for learning this language.

The English Proficiency Index in its 2021 edition, published a global ranking of countries and regions, which determines the level of English in each of the nations. In the case of Colombia, its position is in the low competition group, the country's position is number 81 with a rating of 465, which makes it the 17th country of 20 Latin American countries; one of the last in the continent.

One of the institutions that is committed to teaching the English language is the Universidad del Rosario, founded in 1653 by Fray Cristóbal de Torres and which has an outstanding history within the country's political, economic and scientific spheres, which opened an 'online' basic English course for all citizens of Latin America.

This course will give students tools to start learning English from the most basic expressions and structures. “It's designed to show that everyone can learn a new language and how easy it is to learn English. To achieve this objective, the contents of the course start with the most basic aspects and progress progressively and in a friendly way”, indicates the institution.

And they explain that “during this course, they will work step by step on a synthesis project that they can share with all course participants and will be the result of progress in the learning process.”

They also point out that students will learn to make a basic presentation of themselves, express their feelings and talk about where they live. As well as to understand basic information from oral and written texts that are everyday and to use non-verbal communication and to put into practice everything learned.

The skills that apprentices will gain are:

-Explore and identify your knowledge of the English language.

-Recognize the basic personal information found in oral and written texts, as well as the alphabet, numbers and all the basics to present.

-Interpret short conversations, express nationality, ask and answer basic questions and use the correct greetings according to the situation.

-Identify vocabulary related to invitations, feelings and body language.

-Describe places and your own surroundings.

The course is scheduled to last 4 weeks and the hourly intensity is 4 to 6 hours per week. The program starts in March and ends on June 18. The teachers who will be in front of this are Diana Rocío Umaña Buitrago, a professional in languages and sociocultural studies and a teacher of Spanish and English as foreign languages and Cristian Camilo Cárdenas Herrera, professor at the Universidad del Rosario, graduated in Spanish, English and French, master's degree in education with an emphasis on management educational.

It should be borne in mind that according to the British Council there are six levels of English that determine the starting point and the location where each person, here is the following scale:

Level of English A1 and A2: basic people with the language

English level B1 and B2: independent people with the language

English level C1 and C2: people competent with the language.

Those interested in registering can enter the following link:

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