The UBA will build a new CBC building in the south of the city of Buenos Aires.

It is located near Barracas and it is expected that 1200 students will be able to attend classes at the same time.


The University of Buenos Aires will build a new common base building called “CBC Estacion Buenos Aires”. It will be built on a property located between Lafayette, Suárez and Monasterio streets, near Barracas, and almost bordered by Parque Patricios.

The new construction will certainly house the historic headquarters that has been operating in recent years on Avenida Montes de Oca, in the Barracas area.

The future building takes its name from the terminal station of the General Railway Company of the State of Buenos Aires, opened on December 7, 1911 on the grounds of Leonardo Pereyra. Filled with baths, they had to be filled with soil from the underground excavations of Line A. Where there was a cargo beach, houses from the ProCrear plan were built.

A new building will be built on the footprint of one of the former railway warehouses, and in the coming days we will be launching a tender. “This is important work that will benefit more than 10,000 students in the south of Buenos Aires. Thus, the UBA continues to focus on educational inclusion in this part of the city. It is a question of reversing the historical growth trend in which universities have been oriented to the north rather than the south of the city in recent decades. It is worth remembering that in 2014 we opened the CBC headquarters in Villa Lugano and technical schools started operating in the same district the following year.”

The new building has 18 classrooms of 80 square meters each and a workshop of 120 square meters, and is designed to allow more than 1,200 students to attend classes at the same time. In addition, an adjacent building will be added for the development of community activities, with two 80-square-meter classrooms and a multipurpose room.

This work is part of the new educational center that the UBA will have in the south of CABA, which includes the enhancement of the Center for Innovation and Development (CIDAC) for Community Action of the Faculty of Philosophical Arts. The project plans to expand 14 classrooms of 80 square meters and 2 classrooms out of 105 in the future.

In the same vein, Barbieri thought: “The CBC is the gateway to the UBA; it is a tool that can facilitate the path of high school and university studies from the point of view of academic leveling and socialization.”

The principal added that the gateway to college “has an equal goal of reducing the gaps of high school graduates in mathematical logic and reading comprehension.”

In this way, the UBA will take important steps to improve its infrastructure and strengthen its training proposal in the context of increasing enrollment. With a total of 23 regions, more than 100,000 active students were enrolled in the common core cycle in 2021.

New classrooms

To meet the growing demand for enrollment in the Faculty of Medicine and Economics, a two-story building with an area of 2,800 square meters will be built in a parking lot managed by José E. Uriburu and Viamonte streets. It is designed to allow 1,200 students to attend classes at the same time.

Medicine offers lectures related to all professions, including biosimulations on medical practices and multimedia rooms, and economics can be used for a variety of topics.

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