The numbers are round, and the Ministry of Justice is still square.

Thirty years after the attack on the Israeli embassy, there are no prisoners, no people on trial, no suspects to look for. Punishment is an inseparable part and is associated with tragedy.




As Maria Elena Walsh wrote, wars and revolutions took place in this long and short year.And today the numbers are round, but justice is still square. Like all these wars and revolutions. There are no prisoners, no one is put to trial, and there are no suspects to find. Magic Pass: There is nothing here, nothing there.

Do not you see those who planned the massacre of the embassy and those who executed it? Since 1992, the country and the Ministry of Justice would have been busy for many years. On more important issues, they grew up about the incident, they simply did not care or took off their backs. Or maybe I'm missing a political decision, or I go and know that.

We don't know anything. We do not know if there was a local connection or not. That is, it is not known where national production took place. The attack was planned and carried out on Jupiter? It can be assumed that those who thought and practiced it were people who knew how to deal with explosives, where they were bought, how to prepare them, and how to move them; that is, they knew how to make death more.

Have you ever said that so-called invisible people wear black, green, blue, and scarlet uniforms, have a black beard, and lift their right arm up to serve their homeland? The gentlemen claiming to investigate were distracted and could we calmly say that everything came from Jupiter and did not know about the attack on a hot Tuesday in March 1992, in Suifacha and Arroyo, the former Barrio Norte in the city of Buenos Aires?

It's not fair, Marcela, it's not fair. You had your life plan and became your girlfriend, but the murderers also had them, just like your boss, your boss's boss, your boss's boss.

Eliora is not fair. I had a project, and I had five children. But the murderers didn't care about your project or the five children.

It's not fair, Mirta, I was happy because my son spent the year in high school, but the murderers did not care about your happiness and did not care for your teenage son.

As a country in Argentina, did justice care?

The punishment was today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, and was an integral part of the attack and was associated with tragedy. Punishment is a sign. It can be said that punishment and attack are modeled together like a rock, like a monster, and a wind of fire in the eyes of a child.

On the round numbers and square weeks and the anniversary of justice, we must mention Carlos Susevich, the father of Graciela, an embassy employee, as an opponent. He did not want to die without knowing who killed his daughter, and fought for justice as much as possible until he died three years ago at 94 years ago.And Leon Wasserman. His initiative was to preserve the building of the embassy and prevent it from becoming an apartment hotel, and then donated to the municipality of Buenos Aires. It has allowed Plaza de la Memoria to operate there.He has all Despite that, it did so at the expense of great disgust with the generosity it maintains to this day.

In addition, it is essential that the flame of memory is not extinguished because of them.

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