The Ministry of Health has enabled the fourth dose for people who must travel to countries that do not accept the Sputnik V vaccine

Health Minister Carla Vizzotti said that people who have received the Russian vaccine will access a WHO-approved vaccine if they justify the need for travel


The Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, reported this morning that the health authorities decided to allow the application of a fourth dose against COVID-19 with one of the vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) to people who need to travel and have completed their scheme with the inoculant of Russian origin Sputnik V, not yet endorsed globally.

People who must travel abroad and need a qualified vaccine must present the ticket and justify it on personal, family, humanitarian, work, study, religious or recreational reasons, the minister said.

“We are in contact with WHO and the progress achieved was enormous, the Gamaleya Institute and the Russian Federation submitted more than 800 documents, all documents, and the inspection visit was scheduled and the situation related to the war just happens and is postponed. What is postponed is that WHO can carry out the evaluation to include Sputnik on the emergency list,” explained Vizzotti.

This situation, he said in dialogue with Radio Con Vos, “causes a complication with travel” for people who received two or three doses of the Russian vaccine.

“We have just finished a meeting endorsing the application of the fourth dose in people who need to travel,” he said, as they have been complicated by “an inconvenience that is not sanitary, it is a problem of countries deciding not to approve a vaccine that has proven effectiveness, effectiveness and safety, but people are not to blame,” he said.

Declaraciones de Carla Vizzotti captura
“Desde Argentina, como tenemos stock de vacunas, para que las reciban todos los que tienen que iniciar o completar el esquema y recibir el refuerzo estamos habilitando la dosis habilitada por la OMS paras que pueda viajar”, dijo

“From Argentina, as we have a stock of vaccines, so that all those who have to start or complete the scheme and receive the reinforcement, we are enabling the dose enabled by WHO so that they can travel,” he stressed. In other words, those who have received two or three doses of Sputnik V, even if they are not in the group eligible for the fourth dose, may receive it if they justify the need to move abroad, to a destination that does not accept the inoculant developed by the Gamaleya Institute.

The health authorities, the minister remarked, are “enabling now if someone needs to travel somewhere” that requires emergency vaccines authorized by PAHO “they have to approach, present evidence that they have to travel and have to sign an informed consent”, since “there is a situation extraordinary that prevents exercising rights such as traveling”.

People who need to travel will be able to do the procedure “presenting the ticket, whether for personal, family, humanitarian, work, study, religious or recreational reasons,” he said

“You have to meet the minimum intervals, be of age to be vaccinated and prove that you have to travel,” he insisted, although he admitted that it is not recommended to receive vaccines for those who are not in the specific group to do so. At the beginning of the vaccination campaign “we don't recommend going somewhere to get a vaccine and then receive another” because many people “traveled for one vaccine and came back and gave another one, we don't recommend it because of a health issue”, because “we know that overstimulation can give a hyporesponse,” he said. “It's not a recommendation to get a vaccine just in case or anything,” he said.

Who will receive the fourth dose

Aeropuerto internacional de Ezeiza
“Se tiene que acercar, presentar evidencia de que tiene que viajar y tiene que firmar un consentimiento informado”, ya que “hay una situación extraordinaria que impide ejercer derechos como es viajar” (Gustavo Gavotti)

“Before starting to give reinforcements, we defined that there is a group of people who require three doses in their primary schedule. You can have the Cansino vaccine, which is a single dose; that of AstraZeneca, which has two doses, and a group of people who require an additional dose that were those over 50 years old with Sinopharm and people over three years of age who were immunosuppressed.”

Thus, those who have the recommendation to receive a fourth dose against COVID-19 are those over 50 years of age and have received two or three doses of the Chinese-origin inoculant Sinopharm, a development of inactivated virus, and people with diseases of the immune system, “if four months have passed since the third dose,” he explained.

On the other hand, for “people between 3 and 11 years old, there is no information or evidence that indicates that they should receive reinforcement and those who received their booster, even though four months have passed we are not giving” if they are not in the group of over 50 with Sinopharm or immunosuppressed.


