'The Box' challenge: the beta dominates the competition and the first allies begin to be seen

The gamma, beta and omega groups eliminated the undefeated alpha from the sentence and the challenge of hunger, leaving no food behind since the beginning of a new cycle.

After contesting the 'Death Challenge', which eliminated two challengers from Gamma and Omega House, the participants returned home with all the comforts to enjoy for a day the benefits left by the competition in each challenge they faced. Among the resources they recovered were food, gym, pool access, basic services and personal hygiene products.

“We were talking about feeling hungry, and we told you a story about having to endure hunger. I felt a little... When I was very young, we went through many things with my mom, and she raised me and my sister alone, and all those memories come to mind and make me hard.” Lina, from the beta team, confessed.

The participant remembered everything that her mother did to pass when she was a child picking rice in the sun.

After remembering all the difficult times they lived in their lives, it was time for three men and three women to jump into the problem with the 'Challenge of Sentence and Hunger', where they took on the difficult task of fighting for food, the most precious element of the competition.

Shortly before the start of the competition, the challengers talked about the strategies they implemented for the confrontation in the Red Box Arena, a competition that tested the strength of the participants.

The tests went as follows: Each team had two players in the arena, each holding a totem pole in their hands, and the goal was to knock down the totem of the rival team. The point was taken by the last participant who was able to touch the elements until the end. A total of 10 points competed to meet the winner.

At the beginning of the competition, the team that led the score was Alpha, and little by little his opponent surpassed the team that was most liked by viewers. The group that gave the advantage of having 10 points occupied with food in the pantry was Beta, who always held the Alpha three times on the edge of 9 points until the Blue team scored 10 points.

Some call it an alliance, others strategy, others solidarity, enter the stadium and start a match, see the result, see who is winning, and obviously we don't want someone who has 9 points to make the last point knowing that others have 3, 5 or 6. In fact, you can see that after Alpha wins and Omega wins, everyone has won against Alpha.” Samir said about the alliance he saw during the game.

To determine who took the second place, the competition began again with the board at 0, but this time it was played with 5 points, and Alpha again gained an edge over the opponent with 4 points, but quickly hit the gamma until it was tied to purple. Finally, Gamma had to decide between maintaining protein or carbohydrates, preferring to eat pasta throughout the cycle.

Despite participating in an alliance with the beta to become the winner of this episode, the Blue team did not hesitate to leave Karol and Duvan wearing a sentencing vest, fearful for the Gamma team.

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