The basic food basket soared 9% in February and a family needed $83,807 not to be poor

Likewise, the total basic basket (CBT) increased by 6.6%, so a family consisting of two adults and two children required an income of $37,413 in order not to fall below the indigence line, according to Indec

En medio de un alto nivel de pobreza, con efectos sobre el sistema financiero, María Eugenia González dobla sábanas en su casa de Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sep 28, 2021. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian
En medio de un alto nivel de pobreza, con efectos sobre el sistema financiero, María Eugenia González dobla sábanas en su casa de Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sep 28, 2021. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The cost of the basic food basket rose 9% during February, so a typical family consisting of two adults and two children needed to receive income of $37,413 to purchase the minimum amount of food and not fall into poverty, the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses reported on Thursday (Indec).

For its part, the total basic basket (CBT) increased by 6.6% during February, so that same type family required an income of $83,807 in order not to fall below the poverty line.

Meanwhile, the year-on-year variations of the CBA and CBT were 52.2% and 44.5%, respectively.

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