Sandra Cuevas was linked to the process and is still suspended for 60 days as mayor of Cuauhtémoc

The supervising judge determined that there are also precautionary measures that prohibit him from leaving the country and approaching the two police officers who were victims

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 14MARZO2022.- Sandra Cuevas, alcaldesa de Cuauhtémoc, asistió a los juzgados de la Ciudad de México ubicados en el Reclusorio Norte para cumplir con su audiencia tras las acusaciones de elementos de la policía capitalina de privarlos de su libertad. FOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Sandra Cuevas, Mayor of Cuauhtémoc, was linked to the trial for her probable involvement in crimes of theft and abuse of authority. In addition, it was decided to maintain the suspension in order to exercise his functions as mayor for the duration of the proceedings, for which the judge set 60 days as the deadline for the closure of the supplementary investigation.

The guardianship judge determined that the precautionary measures of temporary cessation of duties, the prohibition to leave the country and to approach victims are maintained. For this reason, Cuevas will not be able to return to his post.

In addition to Cuevas, the controlling judge decided to link three other demarcation officials to the trial. The Mexico City Attorney General's Office noted that in the case of the mayor, it was also linked to the discrimination process.

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