Patricia Armendáriz accused Twitter of supporting the opposition message against AMLO.

According to a study, Morena's deputy revealed that this social network uses algorithms that favor the content of the Conservative Party and the media.




The administration led by President Andres Manuel López Obrado (AMLO), self-proclaimed as the Fourth Transformation (Q4), has suffered endless attacks, criticisms and ridicule due to various situations in which they were unable to react or act on the sector of the population.

However, the militants of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and those close to these political ideals face and support all actions or statements of the President, no matter how harmful they may be.

Among the sea of names is Deputy Patricia Armendáriz, who expresses his support for AMLO on the podium or on social networks and gives his opinion on issues that are being discussed throughout the country.

This time he used his opinion column published in Milenio every day to denounce the “war of tendencies” for the fourth quarter and the “war of tendencies” against President Lopez Obrado, promoted by Twitter, and said that he aims to “ridicule or insult” other users.

In her text, the businessman recalled that he promoted social networks for the dissemination and organization of people, just as the uprising that occurred in various countries in 2011 took place in Mexico with the #YoSoy132 movement. Occupy Wall Street and its slogan: “We are 99%, compared to 1%”.

Knowing the power of this digital space, López Obrador won the presidential election with considerable support from the population active on the Internet, with the support of a campaign to disseminate content on social networks.

Armendáriz said that the opposition party began betting on digital campaigns that “thin and distort social-digital conversations, impose communication chaos and neutralize social organizations through social networks.”

According to his information, the Twitter platform uses algorithms that favor content from the Conservatives and the media, and this is evidenced by a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS).

The former participant of the Shark Tank program revealed that this false information campaign was based on the broadcast of rumors and false or distorted news about the president and the fourth quarter, led by various trolls and bot groups.

The first, they said, are people who send messages through anonymous accounts, who aim to ridicule or insult other users, provoke and generate discussions. “Reacting to trolls increases the interaction and this is what they sell.” He said.

He explained that the bot is an automatic account that can create more than 100 retweets in a very short time. “Its function is to accelerate interactions so that hashtags can become a trend,” he said.

He also explained that there are also real users who do not agree with the government in the fourth quarter due to ideology or dissatisfaction. “If we remove trolls and bots from the anti-AMLO trend, the number of 'real' people is about 10% of all users of the trend.

Finally, the morenista criticized Twitter for saying that the anti-AMLO hashtag was more favored to such an extent that “full of automation, hate messages, discrimination, racism, and classism” trends that violate the platform itself rules. Ensuring the safety of the community.

“The most important thing is that you cannot engage in bullying targeted at someone or stimulate others to do that.See: .It is clear that Twitter does not enforce rules.” He explored it.

Keep reading:

Patricia Armendariz arrested Lourdes Mendoza, who called her “neoliberal courtier.

