Morena is left without a candidate in Tamaulipas: TEPJF temporarily revoked Américo Villarreal after complaint from Maki Ortiz

Shortly after the ruling of the Electoral Tribunal was made public, Morena's delegate in Tamaulipas, Ernesto Palacios Cordero, assured that Villarreal's pre-candidacy “is more than firm and is going very well”


In view of the government elections in six states of the Republic on June 5, 2022, the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) party was left without a candidate in Tamaulipas due to the disagreements generated among the militants by the selection of its flag bearer.

On March 16, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) ordered the Electoral Tribunal of the State of Tamaulipas (TRIELTAM) to issue a resolution on the complaint filed by Maki Esther Ortiz Domínguez, candidate for the pre-candidacy for the governorship of the state by Morena, against the nomination of Américo Villarreal Anaya as the party's candidate.

According to the TEPJF, by unanimity of votes, the plenary of the Superior Chamber reversed the judgment handed down by the State Court, which had confirmed the resolution issued by the National Commission for Honesty and Justice (CNHJ) of the Morena party, relating to the appointment of Villarreal Anaya as a candidate for government of the entity.

Morenist Ortiz Domínguez challenged the local court's determination on the grounds that she did not heed all the arguments submitted against the ruling on the registration of a single pre-candidacy to the gubernatura.

Therefore, at the proposal of Judge Felipe de la Mata Pizaña, the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal determined that the alleged illegality of the decision to register a single pre-candidacy for the government of the State of Tamaulipas for the 2021-2022 local electoral process was not analyzed.

In this regard, once the failure of the local court to comply with the principle of completeness was demonstrated, the plenary of the Superior Chamber reversed the local judgment so that, within three days, the responsible authority will issue a new decision analyzing the arguments related to the decision on registration of single precandidacy.

It should be noted that shortly after the ruling of the Electoral Tribunal was made public, Morena's delegate in Tamaulipas, Ernesto Palacios Cordero, assured that the decision of the electoral body does not revoke or affect Américo Villarreal's pre-candidacy for the state government.

At a press conference, Palacios Cordero highlighted that there are voices that “want to sow confusion”, but Villarreal's pre-candidacy “is more than firm and is going very well”.

“In the alliance we are doing very well, we do not doubt that there is nervousness on the other side, we are ahead and we do not doubt that this is another lie to distort the reality that is lived in Tamaulipas society. Our election process was transparent with strict adherence to the law, legal processes take time, started since November and we are confident that validity will be given within the law to what we have always adhered to,” said the Morenista.

While lawyer Eduardo Govea, Morena's representative to the Tamaulipas Electoral Institute (IETAM), said that the Superior Chamber of the Tribunal is not ordering the withdrawal of Villarreal Anaya record.

Govea said that instead, the resolution orders the Tamaulipas Electoral Tribunal to re-review Maki Ortiz's challenge and to be thorough in that process.

