Manjour, the first Argentine official to pose with the Ukrainian flag to condemn the invasion of Russia

The Chief of Staff participated in the meeting with Sergiy Nebrat, deputy of Ukraine at the place of residence of the US Ambassador to Marc Stanley (Marc Stanley).


Chief of Staff Juan Manzur participated in a meeting yesterday at the residence of Marc Stanley, the US ambassador to Argentina. The official photo, from which officials spread through the network, showed him along with the Ukrainian flag, with diplomats from numerous countries, including Sergiy Nebrat, deputy of Ukraine.

Manzur said: “We reaffirm the position of the United Nations, denouncing the invasion of Ukraine, 141 countries demand the cessation of Russia's attacks and the preservation of life in the best interests.”

At the end of February, the government condemned the attacks committed by Russia within the framework of the UN. Foreign Minister Santiago Capiero said at the time that “Argentina reiterates that it immediately stops using force against the Russian Federation and condemns Ukraine's invasion and military operations on its territory.”

In his presentation, the official said: “What is not legal is resorting to the use of force as a way to resolve conflicts and infringe on the territorial integrity of other countries. Preventive wars can be blamed because they are not legal.There is diplomacy that needs to be discussed.”

A day later, beyond this official position, Cafiero himself was convinced that Argentina remained inconsistent with NATO. It is neutral in relation to the war conflict. At that time He even refused to apply sanctions against Russia, like many countries in Europe. “They are not a mechanism to create peace.” He was convinced at the beginning of March.

In connection with the invasion of Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday submitted to the US Congress to strike the bombing of the Russian army on September 11, 2001 Work compared to terrorist attacks in New York, calling on Washington to close the airspace of European countries.

Zelenski expressed himself with these terms in his speech.
Video conferencing. He also published a video showing the attacks of Russia. “We need more and we need it right now.” I asked the head of state of Ukraine to provide an airplane and more military defense equipment to Joe Biden from the United States.

“Remember Pearl Harbor, where the sky turned black as an airplane attacked you on December 7, 1941 (...). Remember September 11, 2001, when evil attempted to turn a city in the United States into a battlefield, and innocent people that no one expected were attacked in the air.” He said in the announcement.

And he added: “Our country lives the same way every day. Now, now, for three weeks.”

At the beginning of the video conference, the chairman of the House of Representatives requested that those present call “Slava Ukraini” or “Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Heroes”. The same thing happened when he spoke with the British House of Representatives, which was packed earlier this month, despite the applause he received from US lawmakers. Western countries are refusing to close Ukrainian airspace for the time being.

The fear is that such measures will trigger a direct conflict with the Russian army in Ukraine, which will not only escalate military conflicts, but may also lead to the beginning of the Third World War, as Biden himself warned.

However, since the beginning of the invasion, the United States, NATO and countries around the world have opposed Putin's actions, which is why they have imposed various economic, political and social sanctions and restrictions against Russia. In this way, Russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world today.

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