Mafe Carrascal, on recount of votes: “Registrar failed to transmit these data”

Carrascal won a place as Representative to the House and is now leading the recount of votes with the Historical Pact that would add some seats to his party


Newly elected Congressman María Fernanda Carrascal spoke with Infobae about the process they have taken in recent days to recount votes in Bogotá and elsewhere in the country, waiting to be able to ratify more co-supporters in the Senate and House for the next 4 years.

The work they have done has already borne fruit, according to her and some of her colleagues in the Historical Pact, since to date they have collected more than 447,388, as announced this Thursday by the re-elected Senator Roy Barreras.

Although the National Registry Office has not yet produced concrete results given that the counting is still in progress just 4 days after the elections, the findings of voting without counting exceed thousands.

Carrascal for Infobae commented: “It's not so much that votes have been recovered, the votes have always been there, the point is that on Sunday in the process of the Registrar's bulletins and the transmission of data from the polls, because it was done very, very regularly, so we didn't have any record of those votes.”

Mafe Carrascal Representante a la Cámara por Bogotá 2022
Mafe Carrascal es nueva Representante a la Cámara por Bogotá por el Pacto Histórico 2022. Foto: Twitter de Mafe Carrascal.

In addition, he added that “the problem is that the Registrar's Office failed to transmit this data, it did not do it, it did not publish it, which generated a state of public opinion, where in fact, there is no truth in the Registrar's bulletins... 25% we already have 30,000 more votes, than what was published on Sunday by the media and by the bulletins of the Registrar's Office, that allows us to infer that it is possible that the vote in the Senate will rise in at least 120,000 votes in Bogotá.”

With what they have recovered so far, they assure that they have 4 more congressmen of the Historical Pact after only 16 of their party were confirmed in the Senate and 25 for the House of Representatives in Sunday's result.

However, the leader of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro, sent a message in recent hours via Twitter confirming the number of votes they have “recovered”, warning that they are approaching 3 million votes and urged that the votes of the Citizen Force that had Gilberto Tobón Sanín as the main candidate be taken care of.

Little by little, more news is being released about what is happening in this recount of votes, which, among other things, has benefited more parties such as Angelica Lozano's Green and Humberto de la Calle.

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