MacTracker, a database with all Apple devices

Manufacturers who call their devices XNT-1847SLWX or similar can get a lot of blame for having little imagination or lack of marketing knowledge.

HANDOUT - La aplicación de
HANDOUT - La aplicación de la base de datos Mactracker ofrece información sobre todos los producos Apple desde los comienzos de la compañía. Foto: Mactracker/dpa - ATENCIÓN: Sólo para uso editorial con el texto adjunto y mencionando el crédito completo

Manufacturers who call their devices XNT-1847SLWX or similar can get a lot of blame for having little imagination or lack of marketing knowledge.

However, users have the advantage of immediately knowing which laptop or TV is in front of them when it comes to upgrading or replacing.

On the

other hand, Apple devices almost always have the same name. If you are lucky, they will be accompanied by additional features such as the first, second or third generation. However, it will not help those who want to upgrade RAM, check operating system updates, or buy a used Apple device.


Mactracker database created by Ian Page has been providing information on all Apple products for over 20 years.The developer introduces each new device of the brand, with all technical data, reference information on performance, and the current status of the product.

Mactracker is a free app and is available for iOS and macOS, but it is only available in English. You can also save Apple's own devices in the “My models” section.

Mactracker is also a true historical treasure that does not lack Apple's Newton PDA of the early 90s and the original Apple I PC from 1976.
