Lilly Tellez protested in the Senate with a loud voice. “It is an honor to fight Obrador.”

The PAN legislator played the sound emitted by AMLO in 2019, and his fellow chambers laughed about it.




Protests against President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) did not stop a minute after he arrived at the Palace. Citizens and opposition politicians create new ways to express their discontent every day.

Through accusations, blankets, statements or tweets, dissatisfied people try to express their discontent, criticize the Fourth Transformation (Q4), or ridicule the government. An example is Lily Telese, Senator of the National Action Party (PAN).

Since leaving the ranks of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), she has become one of the strongest opponents of López Obrador and his administration, taking more than one strategy to raise her voice against the shortcomings of the fourth quarter.

This Wednesday is no exception. At the Senate meeting, the former reporter asked for the floor during the intervention of Claudia Anaya Mota of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in a discussion on Morena's proposal to revise the concept of government propaganda.

Then he took his phone out of his pocket and played the sound of the sheep. Other senators did not interfere with their participation and even began to laugh. After a while, Senate Vice President Josenaro Cespedes said that if nothing was contributed, the debate would continue.

However, crying began in the House of Representatives to protest the early end of Tellez's intervention. The video of this moment was shared by the senator himself, and the senator accompanied by an ironic message: “Yang jumps in front of the chief's voice.”

In another tweet, Tellez explained that the sound was not broadcast by animals, but that it was broadcast by the Federal President himself during the “brain message” that was broadcast within the framework of the Morena National Congress in 2019.

“It's not just a sheep, it's the voice of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the Republic, sending a brave message to a brunette bench.

Finally, he shared an excerpt from the AMLO statement with the following message as a mockery: “And the Senate rumbled: 'You are honored... '

At a press conference in the morning of October 28, 2019 with López Obrador, the framework of the Morena National Congress on the blood of sheep, told citizens to manipulate themselves as “sheep” and act as Democrats I asked not to allow it.

“Because there is no element to judge and should not participate, it is important to accept it without permission, but practical reflection is important, and there is no longer an imaginary citizen, and there is no longer a quantity. Where are they going? , mee; Who do you vote for? , U.S., nothing more. It's an applause for the politicization that exists in our people because we have made progress. If not, I would be on the ground.” He pointed out in the National Palace.

It was approved by the Senate Committee of the Republic on Tuesday, March 15, on a reform that encourages Mexican officials to individually facilitate the election process and the withdrawal of delegation, regardless of the closure period.

This amendment changes the concept of government propaganda contained in the General Law on Electoral Bodies and Procedures (LGIPE) and the Federal Law on Cancellation of Delegation (LFRM), which specifies references to the cancellation of electoral procedures or delegations, or other processes Elections are not made in the budget and are not considered as propaganda.

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