How do apps work that allow you to save up to 40% on supermarket tickets?

It is a personal shopping assistant that helps you better choose between brands, presentations, suggestions and payment methods for consumer products such as food, beverages, cleaning and hygiene products.




Inflation, which soared to 4.7% in February and accumulated 52.3% in the last 12 months, remains a disaster, according to Indec, with people eroding in Argentine.Purchasing power.However, there are various tools that allow consumers to spend efficiently within this framework. Two Argentine industrial engineers called “ahi-ta!” , an app that allows you to save up to 40% of supermarket tickets through a virtual assistant that helps you better choose between brands, offers and payment methods.

This application, created by Agustín González Chiappe and Emilio Carbone, will help you make better choices without wasting time searching for more convenient products, brands, presentations or offers.

“A typical family in Argentina usually spends between 30% and 50% of their income each year on the purchase of consumer goods, such as food, drinks, cleaning, hygiene, etc. that they make in supermarkets. Choosing between the days of the week with thousands of options, promotions, special offers and various discounts, depending on the payment method, it is a mission that is almost impossible to decide which one is most convenient for you.” It was emphasized by the company.

It should be recalled that in February, the increase in the food and beverage sector was the highest incidence in most regions, with an increase of 7.5%. The most important for this sector was the increase in vegetables, tubers and legumes. Lettuce rose in price by 72.7%, as well as tomatoes, potatoes and onions, as in January.

In this sense, the food and beverage sector was not only the one with the highest incidence rate in all regions, but also the one that increased the most during the month throughout the country. On average, contributed more than 2 percentage points to the increase in the general level.

Faced with the inflation situation in the country, Argentine engineers designed a personal assistant using their own algorithms and artificial intelligence to help each consumer optimize their online purchases and save up to 2 bonuses per year.

“The app uses math and technology to analyze the cart in real time, so that consumers can make reasonable choices every time they make an online purchase at the supermarket, which means they can save up to 40% of their tickets by choosing the best pricing options and payment methods for each product.” I added that.

On the other hand, they reported that the tool can be purchased in major supermarkets in the country, such as Carrefour, Jumbo, Disco, Bea and Coto Digital.

What differentiates this application from other tools is that it is a browser extension that is currently only available for Chrome, so it works and is accompanied by a “behind the scenes”, so that the buyer does not need to take any additional action: it does not upload tickets, take photos or send information to the app.

All you have to do is buy online as usual while the platform analyzes the monkey and proposes offers, presentations, promotions to customers that are more convenient than they have chosen. In that sense, if you accept the offer, the product replacement will be carried out automatically.

This app works as an extension for the Chrome browser that respects the privacy of users and can be downloaded from the site.

Users do not need to go through a special purchase process.If the app finds a more convenient option, it can generate a recommendation for the user to accept or reject it.

When making a payment, we will take into account the excluded products and withdrawal limits of each product, in order the most convenient options for credit cards, debit cards, and membership discounts. In addition, applications that do not cost money work with filters to optimize user preferences.

In the company they pointed out that it is a model of ahi-ta! is already being implemented for durable goods in other countries, but they say, “There is nothing similar to the most frequent supermarket purchases. An average of 60 items is purchased per purchase, and 2 orders are made per month.

They also highlighted the benefits of buying once or twice a month in supermarkets as a strategy to avoid ants and indiscriminate spending, which often harm the consumer's pocket.

Among the recommendations to keep in mind when buying, we pointed out the need to plan for the long term. Take advantage of quantity promotions (2x1, 3x2, 50% in 2 units); Buy larger presentations and make fragmentation at home (for example, boys school cookies); See which brands offer the best balance between different brands and price, quality and quantity, and always take into account the price of the product per kilo or per liter.

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