Honduran Court Approves Extradition of Former President to the U.S.

The Honduran Supreme Court of Justice authorized the extradition of former President Juan Orlando Hernández to the United States to face drug trafficking charges.



(Bloomberg) — The Supreme Court of Justice of Honduras has authorized the extradition of former President Juan Orlando Hernández to the United States to face drug trafficking charges.

Prosecutors in the southern district of New York accused Hernandez, who was head of state until January, of being part of a conspiracy to ship cocaine to the United States.

Hernandez, who has repeatedly insisted on his innocence, has three days to appeal the ruling, court spokesman Melvin Duarte told the press.

Honduras is a major hub for shipping cocaine from Colombia to the U.S., and Hernandez's government was full of accusations of links to organized crime, especially after his brother was sentenced to life in prison in the U.S. for drug offenses.

Original Note:

Honduras Court Approves Former President's Extradition to U.S.

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