Gustavo Petro insists on the need for a vote count: “the pre-count has no legal validity”

After the scandal that broke out on social networks following allegations of electoral fraud, Gustavo Petro assured that the Historic Pact needed seats


Last Sunday, March 13, there were congressional elections and consultations with coalitions to establish presidential candidates. From the same day, citizens from different parts of the country began reporting various irregularities during the elections. Even if the registrar's office advances the recount of votes in the capitals of the ministries, irregularities accumulate.

Problems encountered at the time of voting, from the fact that many ballots were not registered at the polling stations for which the procedure was conducted, to the irregularities recently experienced with the software of the National Registry of Civil Status where the results are downloaded, are part of the wide range of complaints.

In this last complaint, a lawyer from Risaralda assured that the votes of the Historical Pact were not loaded into the aforementioned software.

This Thursday, March 17, presidential candidate Gustavo Petro made a strong statement, via his Twitter account, on this situation.

The leader of Human Colombia assured that at least 300,000 votes from the Historic Pact for the Senate of the Republic had not been reported, so that the coalition would have removed at least three seats.

Likewise, he said that there should be no further pre-counts because this process has no legal validity and pointed out that corruption is systematic in the polling stations.

“The pre-count of votes has no legal validity, we have already seen that at least 300,000 votes of the Historic Pact in the Senate have not been reported, it is at least 3 additional seats. There should no longer be a pre-count. The fact demonstrates systematic corruption in tens of thousands of table juries,” Gustavo Petro wrote on his Twitter account.

For his part, Gustavo Bolívar assured that the “fraud” that was made in the Historical Pact is one of the worst in history and hinted that there is no democracy in Colombia.

“The fraud in the Historical Pact is disgusting. One of the worst in history. Even if we get 5 seats back, we are warned: we are in the hands of thugs. There is no democracy when the vote of a citizen outraged by corruption ends up choosing a corrupt one,” he wrote on the social network.

Likewise, the councilwoman of Bogotá, Heidy Sánchez, assured that the Counting Commission of the Historical Pact indicated that 500,000 votes had been recovered, “which today would give 20 more seats. Let's go for more,” he said via his social media.

The reactions have not only come from politicians, as ordinary citizens have also expressed their opinions on the allegations of election fraud that they have widely denounced on social media.

To say in Colombia that there is no fraud in the electoral process is false, but to say that only one of the trends has also committed it. Nobody purifies themselves and becomes a unanimous melting pot in a single day,” comments another comment on social networks.

