Francia Márquez assures that Sergio Fajardo offered him the vice-presidency, but the candidate denies it

The statements of the second most-voted candidate in the Historic Pact have triggered a political storm in which it is unknown if the Esperanza Center actually made this offer.


After the candidate for the presidency of the Centro Esperanza Coalition, Sergio Fajardo, announced on the morning of this Thursday, March 17 that Luis Murillo would be his vice presidential formula, the former candidate of the Historical Pact, Francia Márquez, said that she had been offered the position but refused.

“I received an invitation from Sergio Fajardo's campaign to be his vice-presidential formula. I like to take into account our struggle. We do not accept for two reasons: 1-We are the historic Alliance and we are going to make changes for our people. 2-In my community they taught me that the word is honored,” said the social leader.

In just a few minutes, Fajardo himself took the step towards Marquez and denied offering to be his partner in the race for the presidency of the Republic and assured that he did not know who made such a request to him, he reiterated that his formula would be the former Minister of the Environment and sarcastically, took advantage of the opportunity to congratulate her on obtaining more votes than she obtained in the inter-party consultation on March 13.

Fajardo - Márquez / Twitter
Fajardo - Márquez / Twitter

Reactions to the issue were not long in coming, and Internet users linked to all ideologies, to members of Congress, raised the issue. For example, Senator Angelica Lozano, who will repeat a seat for the Green Alliance and the Esperanza Center, said that Fajardo's alleged invitation to Márquez would be “illegal”, so she somehow denied the comment of the former presidential candidate of the Democratic Pole.

“It's even illegal. Every candidate who has competed in consultation is legally prohibited from registering for another option or electoral formula,” tweeted Lozano, wife of the Mayor of Bogotá and Fajardo's 2018 vice presidential formula, Claudia López.

For his part, Senator Gustavo Bolívar commented on the tweet of his co-party and took the opportunity to challenge Fajardo that “he got fewer votes than France,” commented the deputy of the Historical Pact.

In fact, it is not the first time that Senator Petrista and one of Gustavo Petro's greatest squires have spoken about the position that Francia Márquez should occupy in the presidential elections. First, she said that she had to wait to see the results of the consultations and now, when she saw that she had obtained more than 700,000 votes, she considers that she is the best option to be the vice-president of the candidate of the Historical Pact.

For now, nothing has been said about who will hold the vice-presidency in the eventual government of Gustavo Petro, however, he himself assured in an interview with the fictional character Juampis Gonzárez that he will give Francia Márquez another designation in a possible government of his.

It should not be forgotten that the ecologist and Afro leader was the third most voted candidate in the March 13 consultations, where, according to the pre-count of the National Registry of Civil Status, she obtained 783,160 votes, a much higher figure than other political actors with more electoral capital such as Carlos Amaya, former governor of Boyacá, Senators David Barguil and Jorge Robledo, the former mayor of Barranquilla Alejandro Char and even Sergio Fajardo himself, now candidate for the center.

