Emilio Tapia would return to La Picota after a request from the Prosecutor's Office to Inpec

The criminal contractor had been transferred to another detention center after the Carlos Mattos prison scandal was discovered


On March 16, the prosecutor in charge of the Centros Poblados case asked the new director of INPEC to transfer criminal contractor Emilio Tapia from Picaleña prison, where he arrived after the prison scandal of Carlos Mattos, to La Picota Prison.

According to the prosecutor, this change of prison affects the process of reinstatement, since Tapia would not be able to continue doing the process, Blu Radio revealed.

In this office, the Prosecutor's Office supports the defense of Tapia, who a couple of days ago asked for something similar, since it assured that the transfer anticipated that collaboration would be put at risk. The media recalled that Tapia would be collaborating within the two processes that the investigating body has against him and the money to be recovered is more than 15 billion pesos

“The second investigation against him is being carried out for the crimes of embezzlement by appropriation, among others, in the news article 110016000101202150079, where we are in the process of collaborating with Mr. Tapia Aldana in order to reimburse the advance money, which he has managed through negotiations with the new company with which MinTIC hired the equipment that was acquired by UT Centros Poblados, in addition to the various procedures before DIAN to legalize the merchandise that is still pending nationalization, in order to include it in the negotiation”, can be read in the document known to the broadcaster.

For now, the decision on Tapia's transfer must be made by the new director of INPEC, General Tito Castellanos.

The secret businesses of Emilio Tapia and Carlos Mattos in prison, Inpec ordered investigation

Everything seems to indicate that the contractor Emilio Tapia and the businessman Carlos Mattos have come close, to the point of forming a great friendship within the 'La Picota' prison. It is for this reason that the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) requested regulatory entities and supervisory bodies to carry out a verification visit to the prison complex in order to determine the conditions of detention of these two persons.

Let us recall that Emilio Tapia was convicted in the case of the Bogotá contracting carousel and is awaiting a trial for his involvement in corruption between the Temporary Union Centros Poblados and MinTIC, in which 70 billion pesos were disbursed, which has not yet appeared.

On the other hand, Carlos Mattos, was extradited from Spain and is awaiting his sentence after hearing the case of Hyundai Colombia, where he reportedly bribed public officials to divert a lawsuit against the company he was running at the time.

The two lived together during the month of November 2021 and it was there that they formed a friendship, to the point of giving judicial advice and doing some business between them. According to information released on 'Blu Radio', Tapia would have convinced Mattos to use the services of his lawyer Alejandro Sánchez, who charged him $780,000 for managing a pre-agreement with the Attorney General's Office. Mattos even opposed being moved to the pavilion, but they were eventually separated, although they keep in constant contact through WhatsApp.

The friendship between the two of them reached such an extent that even Tapia has taken care of getting a buyer for Mattos's plane and boat and giving him opinions about his family and personal relationships. It is presumed that Emilio Tapia has even asked Mattos to borrow the 70 billion pesos in order to negotiate a principle of opportunity with the Public Prosecutor's Office.

