Constitutional Court would review this Thursday the annulment of Alberto Fujimori's pardon

Ernesto Blume will be the speaker. The release of the former president could be ordered tomorrow.


In the Constitutional Court (TC) there are three cases that seek the release of convicted former president Alberto Fujimori. As reported by La República, one of them will be seen this Thursday by the six judges who currently make up the institution.

Ernesto Blume will be the rapporteur and has proposed that the remedy to annul the humanitarian pardon of the former president be declared well founded. If approved, the Judiciary's ruling would be lifted and Fujimori could be released after 25 years in prison for the crimes of La Cantuta and Barrios Altos.

The case in reference is the habeas corpus filed by lawyer Gregorio Parco, to rescind the Supreme Court ruling that annulled Fujimori's pardon. As we recall, on December 24, 2017, then-President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski granted Fujimori Fujimori a pardon for humanitarian reasons.

On that occasion, it was alleged that the presidential benefit “did not meet essential legal requirements”. Thus, in October 2018, Fujimori returned to prison in the Diroes.

The positions of the TC judges would be divided. On the one hand, they would be against the release of Fujimori, Marianella Ledesma, Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña and Manuel Miranda; while Blume, José Luis Sardón are in favor. Augusto Ferrero Costa, the current president of the Constitutional Court, could have a deciding vote, and according to what is known, he could vote in favor of the former president.


Former President Alberto Fujimori was discharged last Monday from the Centenario Clinic and will continue his treatment of pulmonary fibrosis and atrial fibrillation at Barbadillo prison, said his daughter and leader of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori.

The former presidential candidate indicated that during the afternoon her father was taken to the El Golf Clinic to analyze the progress of her pulmonary fibrosis.

“He will remain under strict medical observation of his two main ailments: fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. I am grateful, on behalf of my brothers, for their concern and we ask for their prayers for their speedy recovery,” said Keiko Fujimori through her social networks.

On March 3, EsSalud reported that Alberto Fujimori was rushed to Hospital II Vitarte from Barbadillo prison, located in the district of Ate.

After the patient was stabilized by the doctors of the shock trauma area of the hospital, the former president was taken to the Centenario Clinic, where he has been carrying out his treatment, at the request of the patient and the doctor of Inpe.