Congress: Podemos Bench responds to Carlos Anderson's resignation

Congressman Wong said other members of the House of Representatives will soon join the congressional group.



Others will participate (...) I am interested in how they think and what they can contribute. I don't wonder what colors they enter, but I wonder what skilled people have the experience to do great things.” This was a statement by the second Vice President of Congress who came to Congress with an organization led by José Luna, who was questioned.

Resignation is always a pity, but the political life continues and is uncomfortable. This is a statement by the House of Representatives that he would be more lonely than a bad company, we never ignored him, respected his decision, but we seem not. I understand” .Wong added how Anderson commented on the resignation of the group.

“Even Carlos Anderson takes me under the pretext of visiting the palace with the pastors. It was Daniel Uresti's longing not because he had his own voice, but because he had little contact,” he added. At a meeting held in Mirafloresi, the President of the Republic discussed the means by which he could respond quickly during his tenure.

“I wanted them to be able to get close to the government, use the post and, in some way, give some satisfaction to the approach of power as a negotiator. It is far from such things and I do not want to participate in a bench like this,” this was part of a statement when Anderson announced his resignation from the bench of Podemos Peru.

Nutrition in risk zones

LeavingDunderson leaves Podemos Peru with a bench of only four members.If he does not get a new member, it is no longer an official bench, but the impact of his resignation may also affect members of the Wong House, who hold the Vice-Presidency of the Second Congress, a position aimed at people in the ranks. The decision on this issue should be discussed with the General Assembly or the press secretary.

In addition, Wong can lose after a bench change, so he is also the chairman of the Consumer Rights Committee. According to the journalist Martin Hidalgo (Martin Hidalgo), “there is a story that the president was able to finish his term until July, when the reorganization of the bureau (board of directors) took place, and is the presidency of the committee.”

“The podemos must be decided at a meeting of spokespersons, an example of a political agreement, and they win because the political game wins because it can help the opposition party support the delegation with the Vice President in exchange for voting, or because the ruling party can offer its members to continue the bench,” the reporter wrote on his Twitter account.

Andersono announced his departure from Podemos Peru, but he did not confirm that he was not grouped or talked with other groups to join the working group, and lawmakers became closer to the opposition than members of the ruling party who constantly criticized them.

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