CDMX Congress urged the INE to disseminate more about the Revocation of Mandate

The capital's Congress noted that the electoral body should guarantee and prioritize the application of physical format for the collection of signatures on the digital format


The Congress of Mexico City urged the National Electoral Institute (INE) to further disseminate the consultation on the Revocation of Mandate, provided that the application of physical format is guaranteed for the electoral exercise that will be held on April 10.

In this way, it was requested that the different formats for the collection of signatures be applied, prioritizing the physical format (on paper), as stipulated in the Federal Law on the Revocation of Mandate. This proposal was approved with 32 votes in favor and 29 against.

On September 30, 2021, the guidelines for the revocation of mandate were modified, whereby the INE approved that, for the collection of signatures, physical and digital formats should be used, although an application available for cell phones or electronic devices would be given greater privilege.

However, the deputy of the parliamentary group of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Guadalupe Chávez Contreras, said that 25 percent of people in Mexico do not have a mobile device, so this measure was exclusive. This, he mentioned, makes it impossible “for the most disadvantaged sector to express its willingness to carry out the recall exercise”.

He also added that the INE only considered printed formats in 204 municipalities classified as having “high marginalization” and poor connectivity, so that the guarantee of the political-electoral rights of citizens would be affected by the intervention of technological media.

Under the argument of exercising participatory democracy, Morena's deputy, Temístocles Villanueva Ramos, pointed out that the INE should strengthen its efforts to encourage citizen participation, but “it does nothing in the face of the dubious actions of other political actors,” he said.

It should be recalled that on October 12, the Senate approved an agreement ordering the INE that citizens decide freely between signing on paper or electronically, without prioritizing one mechanism over another. The above under the interpretation of articles 11 and 12 of the Federal Law on the Revocation of Mandate.

While Article 11 establishes the application of printed formats and electronic media for the collection of signatures, Article 12 stipulates that the INE “shall design the use of technological tools and electronic devices within the reach of the citizenship”.

According to INE data, from 5 February to 15 March, the electoral body has produced 181 bulletins throughout the country on the Revocation of Mandate. As of March 8, the Institute broadcast 600,597 radio and television spots on 3,538 stations. She has also published 444 publications on social networks by Counselors and 512 publications on @INEMexico networks and has been disseminated in 10 newspapers and one national magazine, adding up to 2,078,066 copies.

According to INE Councillor Ciro Murayama, as of March 15, the Institute printed more than 92 million ballots that will be available in the 57,500 boxes that will be available in the will be installed throughout the country for the consultation in which it will be decided whether or not President Andrés Manuel López Obrador remains in office.

It should be remembered that the printing of the ballots and documentation began to take place on February 16 with the collaboration of Talleres Gráficos de México.