Attacks that violate our national sovereignty

The malicious attack was carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist group Hezbollah, but there was also a clear plan and support for foreign countries. It was the first blow of international terrorism on our continent.

Thirty years have passed since the dramatic day of March 17, 1992, when the demolition of the Israeli embassy violated our national sovereignty. The Embassy of Israel is an operation conceived, planned and implemented by foreign actors.

Since then, many things have changed in the world and in our country. Today, communication allows us to update in real time about what is happening anywhere on the planet. Our mobile phones have become real laptops. Science has evolved in the most diverse areas of our lives, from medicine, new treatments for diseases that until a few years ago were impossible to cure, new developments in the agricultural industry, promotion of new energy sources, digital engineering, 3D printing or innovative advances.Satellite technology.

However, there was one fact that has not changed in these 30 years. It was precisely the punishment of those responsible for such a barbaric attack. On March 17, international terrorism struck our continent for the first time and did so in the heart of Buenos Aires. Until that moment, it was unthinkable. At 900 years old, the Dantes scene he experienced at Calle Arroyo was recorded on his retina.The sirens of ambulances and patrol cars are still ringing in our ears. Heartbreaking cries and requests for help from survivors of that abominable act continue to accompany us as if time had stopped at 14:45 on a sad day.

The direct target of the terrorist discord was the Israeli embassy in our country, but at the same time the attack tried to hit the center of the democratic state and the lifestyle of Argentine society. That malicious attack carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist organization Hezbollah also clearly violated our national sovereignty, resulting in a clear plan and support for foreign countries.

On that day, 29 people were killed and 242 people were injured. The lives of those who survived the attack and their families were never the same again.But the victims were not the only ones who perished. All Argentines experienced a feeling of emptiness and fear in the face of unprecedented expressions of violence, contempt, and hatred in our history.On the day of the attack, we all felt like we were dying.

The attack on the Israeli embassy became a turning point in our country. Unfortunately, this is not the only action of murderous terror against our country. This scene will be repeated two years later. This time, another attack on the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) will confirm the fault of the same foreign criminals who oppose a model of peace, tolerance and coexistence among all Argentine citizens. Its roots extend to the most diverse latitudes of the planet and history does not record cultural or religious hostility.

The explosion on Arroyo Street 30 years ago may have reduced the construction of the diplomatic headquarters to rubble, but the unbreakable ties that unite the Israelites and the entire Argentine society did not destroy the spirit of fraternity.

Israel is a land of peace. This hand was extended in 2020 to neighboring countries, which was translated as a historic Abraham agreement with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, and was later added by the normalization of diplomatic relations with Morocco and Sudan.This environment of trust with neighboring countries was confirmed by the recent visit of Israeli head of state Isaac Herzog to Turkey to meet with his response Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

This series of agreements and approaches confirms the Israeli government's belief in overcoming past differences and unintelligence.However, despite this new atmosphere of optimism and mutual trust, those responsible for attacks on embassies and AMIA continue to preach on hatred and destruction against the Israeli state, which is manifested in repeated missile attacks on its territory.

Murderous madness can destroy buildings and cause death and injury, but it will never succeed in destroying the foundations of our society.Throughout history, humanity has shown that life always prevails over death.Even in the darkest times, peace always prevails.

Argentina has shown that it was and will continue to be a society characterized by tolerance and respect. Far from being paralyzed by the criminal acts of alien fundamentalist groups in our way of life, Argentines continue to dedicate themselves to upholding these values.

On this special day, we join the uproar about justice and reaffirm the calling that we have highlighted over the past few years to political and judicial authorities to clarify these cruel actions. We owe it to our victims, and we owe it to ourselves as a nation.

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