Arturo Zaldívar assured that “they had taken the SCJN” during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón

The minister president denied that he was being pressured by the administration of López Obrador as he was with the former president in the case of the ABC Nursery


The Chief Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Arturo Zaldivar, assured that the highest constitutional court was “taken over” by the federal government during the administration of the former president Felipe Calderon (2006-2012).

The presiding minister's statements came after he was questioned about whether he has been pressured, as he revealed about the ABC Nursery case , after it was announced that the amparos of Laura Morán and Alejandra Cuevas were promoted, to whom the head of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), Alejandro Gertz Manero, accuses of homicide by omission against his brother Federico.

“It's not that they came to make visits, they had the Court taken, they can attest to how there were ministers who read the memorandum that gave them authority as if it were their plea in plenary,” Zaldívar recalled about the fire at the ABC Nursery, which took place in Hermosillo Sonora in 2009.

“They can attest to many things, to the media campaign of how the media was flipped from one day to the next, to how the senior officials of that government were protected, that is a reality and we all know it and they know it, that's why they got so angry,” he added.

However, he denied that in the case of Morán y Cuevas he is receiving direct orders from the administration of the current Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), as he clarified that Gertz Manero himself has gone to the SCJN as a private individual.

“No, pressure when we were three in the minority not to touch the government of Felipe Calderón with the petal of a rose, pressure not to release a French citizen who was made a crime and if all due process and all her human rights were violated and so that while Calderón was president he did not it was possible to issue a substantive decision on that matter,” said the minister president.

At the end of February of this year, during the presentation of his book 10 years of rights. A jurisprudential autobiography, the presiding minister confessed that the then Secretary of the Interior, Fernando Gómez Mont, visited him to send him a message from the presidency: they did not support his decision, since among the officials of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) mentioned, there were relatives of the then first lady, Margarita Zavala.

“He went to see me in my office and we were talking for a good number of hours (...) the tone of voice was getting higher and higher, until we ended up screaming. At one point the secretary tells me: 'The president says we don't support you for this, '” said Zaldívar, who at the time replied to the president that he had nominated a minister, not a secretary of state, so he would not abide by the order.

Later, in the following days, the deputy of the National Action Party (PAN) and Arturo Zaldivar made a series of accusations, one against the other. Zavala indicated that the presiding minister lied, while the other claimed to have told the truth.

Through her Twitter account, Margarita Zavala wrote: 'Zaldívar lies, lies @ArturoZaldivarL Yesterday, while she was spending the public money on the presentation of her book she said that: while listening she “came up with” she “told a story” and told a lot of lies.

For his part, in an interview with Azucena Uresti for Radio Formula, the presiding minister said: “I am not lying, I am telling the truth (...) here one must question: Why did the state intervene to get justice done? ”.

