Anuel AA's sister denied that he had left his son and ex-wife homeless

A series of messages circulated on social networks from relatives of Astrid Cuevas who accused him of leaving his firstborn son on the street


On March 15, a series of images circulated on social networks in which the sisters of Astrid Cuevas, Anuel AA's ex-wife, who accused the singer of leaving their son and his ex-partner without a roof to live in.

The remarks contained strong words against the interpreter of 'La Jeepeta', as they indicated that he would rather give luxury cars to his new partner than to ensure the well-being of the child.

“You're a pig. You and your whole family. You have no morals and much less shame. You are not a man, much less a father” or “I am crazy to break the silence and tell all these people that you are done and I am not talking about your audience, I am talking about yours with whom you remember and wake up”, were some of the statements that circulated on social networks.

After seeing these defamations against Anuel AA, his sister Jliany, who had previously spoken out about her desire for the singer to reconsider and return with Karol G, spoke out to the controversy generated about the artist whom he defended with cloak and sword.

“Pablito isn't sleeping on the street. Her mother and my nephew live in a salda house in Puerto Rico that she chose and bought it for her by my brother, they ride a 200,000 dollar Mercedes Benz G Wagon bus. In Miami he has another Mercedes bus and another house worth 1.8 million, a house that is stipulated on paper belongs to Pablito when he turns 18,” said Juliany, sister of Anuel AA.

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Here is the answer from Anuel AA's sister:

Jliany, sister of Anuel AA, defended her brother on social media accusations of leaving her son homeless. Taken from Instagram @rechismes

Reactions to Jliany's statements soon appeared, as the entertainment portal 'Rechismes' was responsible for replicating the content shared by the artist's family member. With about 8,500 likes and about 300 comments, among which criticism stands out since there is a lot of money in the publication but at no time does it refer to the father's encounters with his son.

“You can have a thousand beds, but if there is no time or love, there is nothing”, “From what you read, Anuel has a lot of money and it is impossible for the child to not have a bed to sleep”, “Obviously the sister must go out to defend him or if he does not run out of allowance”, “This time I believe the mother, Anuel does not have a mouth to express himself that he must come out sister to defend it”, among others.

Through a live broadcast, Astrid Cuevas, former partner of Anuel AA and who is seen in the video circulating on social networks of having had a meeting with the urban music singer while he was still with Karol G, came out to talk about what is happening right now.

“What they talk about is nonsense... I haven't talked about anything and I didn't have to, I'm going to talk about the media, what they do is talk and comment nonsense, things that are not good for them... neither did my sister live with me, nor did any boyfriend get into the house as they said,” said Astrid Cuevas.

Here is the full content of Astrid Cuevas: