Alejandra Cuevas and Gertz Manero case will be resolved on March 28: SCJN

Minister President Arturo Zaldívar said that the intention of the plenary session is to resolve this issue as soon as possible



The chief minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Arturo Zaldivar de Larrea, announced on Wednesday afternoon that the new draft resolution on the amparos promoted by Laura Morán and Alejandra Cuevas will be finally discussed next Monday, March 28, to whom the head of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), Alejandro Gertz Manero, accuses his brother, Federico, of homicide by omission.

During his monthly press conference, Zaldivar de Larrea said that the matter will be resolved in just four months, considering the date from which it was attracted to the final legal settlement.

He added that the SCJN did not speak out for the release of Alejandra Cuevas at last Monday's session because the project did not contemplate it. He argued that for the highest court it is necessary to make informed decisions with broad debate.

Alejandra Cuevas' family demonstrate on the outskirts of the Supreme Court, in the Historic Center (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

He explained that it will be Minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena who will be responsible for the implementation of the new draft resolution and will present his proposals on March 22; that same day the public versions of them will be announced.

These projects should address the substance of the case; that is, indicate whether there really was a crime (the murder of Federico Gertz Manero) and whether there are elements to investigate Laura and Alejandra for their possible participation in it.

At that time, Alejandra Cuevas' family accused that in the collegiate court there was already a project to free the 69-year-old woman, who is currently being prosecuted for homicide on grounds of kinship and held in the Santa Martha prison.

The controversial Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero (EFE/Mario Guzman)

It is worth mentioning that the president minister assured on March 16 that the Cuevas Morán family is being treated equally and denied any kind of preferential treatment with prosecutor Gertz Manero; however, he acknowledged that he spoke to him as a victim, although they have also discussed matters of state.

The political family case reached a new level of scandal in early March when a call from the prosecutor with his right hand, Juan Ramos, was leaked about the judicial process. In the audio, published by an anonymous account on the internet, the prosecutor was heard saying that he already had in his hands “(Minister Alberto) Pérez Dayán's project”.

After reading what was written in the document, the prosecutor complained that it was unfavorable to his interests and that he could open the door to the release of his political niece. Cuevas's family claimed that the prosecutor had access to the project and accused that he used his position to intercede in the judicial process.

After moments of uncertainty and hope, Alejandra Cuevas' children had to inform their mother by phone that after 514 days in prison she will not return home tonight.

However, his son Alonso said at the gates of the Supreme Court that the fight continues and they are confident that in the thorough review of his mother's case, the magistrates will decide to release her.


