A national network of teachers was created to fight for the quality of education. “Stop education fraud”

Teachers at all levels and across the country have convened themselves to face the school crisis. At each level, we will try to define everything that needs to be changed or modified.


Santa Fe has launched an initiative to establish this National Board of Education Quality (MENACE) that works to compensate for the current enormous shortcomings in education policies. They gathered not only with love for teaching, but also with fear of the latest facilitation measures proposed by the Federal Board of Education, such as the passage of the automatic year from 2020 to 2021, and the suspension of exam tables and numerical grades in some jurisdictions afterward, the possibility of grouping topics by area and promoting them into up to two unapproved areas, among other agitation provisions that are nothing more than a reasoning of the spirit that comes from afar, the wrong concept of what is inclusion. .

The starting signal is Liana Pividori, professor of language and literature, deputy director of the Zuviría Institute, who, along with other outstanding women in Santa Fe, has just distinguished them in the Chamber of the House of Commons of the province, which she coordinates: Argentina for education and the new MenAce.

The bureau coordinated by Pividori will soon publish a document outlining everything it thinks should be corrected or changed, in the opinion of those who are at the forefront of classrooms that feel a crisis every day.

In ESI, a new panacea, according to the Ministry of Education, “sex education should be given, but what is proposed today is a political ideology,” they say in MenAce about possible modifications to educational decrees through repetition. “Learning tools not only for content, but also for maturity and responsibility families” -, reconnection - “The number of children excluded from the system should alert the authorities, but there is no plan” - and even the high problem of inclusion of children with disabilities in schools without the appropriate tools.

In particular, education reform plans at all levels.

Meanwhile, at the weekly meetings of representatives of all states - they only need to consolidate the San Juan, Sarmientina province, the irony of fate - there will be discussions, mutual assistance and training. The first is a comprehensive literacy course for initial and basic. The level that will be given by Ana Borzone, an educator who recently revolutionized the press and debate when criticized in an interview Infobae leads to reading and writing in a global way responsible for the terrible school outcomes. Monthly courses are paid, but are open to all teachers.

“Children say they quit school because they repeat.” Pividori says in a conversation with Infobae, but they give out the title, but they leave because they don't teach it, because they don't understand it.”

The material provided by MenAce to teachers stated that “it is essential and urgent to propose a systematic, concrete, viable and plausible educational policy that will be implemented and measured as a national policy beyond the current government”; Education” -; a policy that prioritizes effective learning of students, especially the most vulnerable students, since lack of learning is one of the factors that abandon the system.

They add: “The inclusion policy implemented to date is not enough to keep students in the system, and they must be in schools where students are taught, which should be the focus for students to learn.”

“We must dismantle this educational fraud, a title that is false promotion, fraud and generates illiteracy and anti-illiteracy,” says Liana Pividori. I say that.

And he blames it like this. “It is a false inclusion that the person who causes the greatest harm is the one who claims to defend the most. Whoever has fun gets paid by a private teacher. The rest sends the boy to a school that offers nothing. With patriarchism and compassion, everything is facilitated by them, but not taught.”

Recently, a group of educators and other cultural figures launched a warning cry about “educative emptying.” “Unacceptable pressure on teachers to certify unverified learning.” Among the signatories were some of the teachers who are currently starting this national table.

MenAce is defined as “an association of educational, social, non-profit and non-profit nature”, whose purpose is “to strive for quality Argentine education at the initial, primary, secondary and higher quaternary levels”. “To fight for the eradication of political doctrine in the classroom” and “to spread and accompany this commitment to the whole country.”

Regarding the definition of quality, MenAce argues that this is “the way society plans for the future” and that it complies with the definition contained in Article 29 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Education includes character, skills andas much as possible the child's mental and physical abilities to the fullest.”

The MenAce document looks like this: “All public policies (suspension and criticism standardized assessment, fine planning, prohibition of repetition, reduction of the curriculum axis, etc.) have generated an escape from public to private schools, even if they were not aimed at quality of education”.

It is also argued that to measure quality, it is necessary to evaluate the result, which is almost a bad word in recent years. “If all the actors in the system, managers and teachers, students and all employees who carry out their work in the school are not willing to evaluate (the quality of education), it will not be achieved. Measures for improvement. This is a quality educational definition.” They say.

Immediately after the walk , MenAce is already becoming a third-year organization, as other associations already formed such as #queremosaprender, rural missions, education teachers and organization students join. “We also work in collaboration with organized fathers from various regions, such as Pilar, Hurlingham, Tandil, Reconquista and Abelaneda.” Shirley Diaz and Vanessa Vicentin, secretary, Esteban Marinone, moderator and organization student representative Patricio Turn Pasarino, and Maria José Orachi (IG and Fbk, respectively) in charge of dissemination.

The immediate project is to bring the Secretariat to all provinces and hold meetings with teachers from each region.

In short, putting education on the shoulders, addressing the shortcomings of official policies, questioning the authorities and raising awareness of all Argentines about what Guillermo Jaim Etcheverry correctly defined as an “educational tragedy”.

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