Zero Enrollment in Medellín would become a public policy

For now, the issue is being reviewed in the Council of Medellin



Bogotá, octubre 24 de 2015.- Candidato al concejo de Copacabana pidió escolta “que no sea negro” Foto: El Colombiano / Colprensa.
Bogotá, octubre 24 de 2015.- Candidato al concejo de Copacabana pidió escolta “que no sea negro” Foto: El Colombiano / Colprensa.

The Council of Medellín began the socialization of the draft agreement 087 on March 15 seeking to make the Enrolment Zero program a public policy in the capital of Antioquia.

Nataly Vélez, city councilman, assured Telemedellín that it is expected in the coming days to have a project that will benefit students.

During the socialization, the councillors gave arguments, changes and suggestions for the project to improve and that the funds available to provide quality education from the public can be unified.

“The assessments of the councillors are not contrary to what we have raised, but rather in the perspective of us improving the financial possibilities for higher education institutions even more,” Carlos Chaparro, director of Sapiencia, told the media outlet.

Enrolment Cero is an initiative of the Mayor's Office of Medellín, which will cover the enrollment of more than 24,000 students from the three public HEIs of the municipality: ITM, I. U. Colmayor and I. U. Pascual Bravo.

With a value close to $20.5 billion pesos, Zero Tuition will ensure the permanence of students and is guaranteed by three actions: paying the value of tuition, making the requirements more flexible so that scholarship students have no obstacles and the delivery of three thousand Chromebook computers.

Last year, during the installation of this program, President Duque highlighted the achievement of free public higher education and support for the sector

According to the president, the program that was born due to the covid-19 pandemic is the product of teamwork between the National Government, public Higher Education Institutions, governors and mayors and will allow 695,000 young people from strata 1, 2 and 3 to accompany throughout the country, representing 97% of undergraduate students of public institutions of higher education.

President Iván Duque announced that he would continue to pay attention to educational issues in 2022 in an articulated work with HEIs and territorial entities to work on the construction of a proposal so that the initiative can be State policy and endure over time.

With the Zero Enrollment measure, “the National Government expects to benefit about 695 thousand young people from strata 1, 2 and 3 throughout the country”, who represent 97% of undergraduate students in public higher education institutions, thus contributing to the closing of educational gaps and social equity.


